Chapter 26~Embraced

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I crept inside the house, careful so Searen wouldn't see me.

I was lucky enough that he wasn't home.

I ran upstairs to my room, scared of what I would see on my neck.

I went to my washroom, shutting my eyes along with the door behind me as I stood in front of the mirror.

I slowly opened my eyes.

I saw a huge dark blue-ish black mark, a hickey.

My hands automatically went up to cover my face, which was now all red.

Come on, I can't be so flustered!

I slowly took my index finger to the hickey, inspecting if it hurts.

It did, it hurt.

It hurt, but for some reason, I wasn't feeling bad, instead, I was feeling a mix of happy feelings.

Part of me was excited, flustered, happy, honestly, I felt like jumping around.

I shook my head in disbelief of what I was thinking and feeling.

I washed and stepped outside the washroom.

I got dressed and started staring blankly at my ceiling, laying down on my bed.

The hickey was slightly paining but it was better than before.

I was dozing off to sleep when someone knocked at my door.

I lazily got up and opened the door to see Searen.

He looked at me with wide eyes with his mouth open wide.

"What?" I asked him and he kept quiet for a while. He must've come back.

He blankly said, "You used protection, right?".

Then it struck me, the hickey!

"Fúck," I cursed and hid the spot with my hands, but he already saw it.

"What PROTECTION are you talking about?" I spat at him.

"You didn't do it? I though you did," He said calmly and I felt myself burning with rage.

"Shut the fuck up, Searen, we didn't do any shit like that," I cursed at him and smacked him.

"We'll see if it actually feels like shit when you do it," He chuckled and said before closing the door to my room, leaving me inside my room, alone.

I mentally cursed, and threw a glare at him.

My eyes were feeling heavy, I climbed up on my bed, instantly drifting off to sleep.

Afternoon naps are the best.


I woke up to familiar shouts of a man.

If I'm not mistaken, it's my father.

I ran to my door, stopping for a second and thinking if I should actually step out.

I thought of Searen, he was downstairs, probably defending me from everything my parents were saying.

I unlocked the door and stepped outside, only to see my father already standing outside my room, Searen wasn't home.

He was breathing heavily, his brows furrowed, he looked angry, more of, frustrated.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He shouted at me and I felt my anxiety going up.

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