Martial arts or my friend's wedding

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Razia's POV.
Naida and Osman had repented and reconciled with her parents.Now they could do things the halal way.

I was so happy for them,but sir Micheal had informed me that the finals of the martial arts competition would take place next week,the same day as naida's nikkah(marraige).

This martial arts tournament was to  raise funds for the school.Speaking of school,I had started going again.Max and I decided to hold on kids,so that I could finish school.

Besides I was only 19 turning twenty,there was no rush.I had decided not to go but naida told me otherwise.

Naida: martial arts is your second dream.You need to do this.
Razia:I cannot risk your nikkah.
Naida:I will be alright.Remember,you are one of the top 4 in the tournament.So you can request to start early, when you win,sir Micheal will take the trophy for you.What time is the competition?

Naida:I will request for the nikkah to start at 12
Razia:you can't do that.
Naida:yes,I can.Its my wedding day.If you don't go,I will never forgive you.

Raiza: alright,I will try my best to be on time.

A week later.I hopped onto one of Max's motorcycle and rode to school.I told sir Micheal that I wanted to start first.

We were 30 competitors.Sir Micheal managed to get me at 14.This was not good but wasn't bad as well.

I got dressed and watched the others fight.Finally it was my turn ,I checked the time,it was 10:30am.Shoot.

My opponent and I started ,she was tough but I was tougher.We were about to finish when suddenly three men in Black joined in.

They only attacked me.This tournament was for late teens and young adults,these were grown men.

These were Max's enemies.I defended myself against them.

I throwed a kick but one of them caught my leg,he swung me by the leg.I flipped and landed on my feet elbowing one.

I grabbed him by the head,the second man ran to me.I caught him with my legs.One was under my arm while I had wrapped my legs under the other.

I turned over with force, swinging the one whom I had held with my legs off, and the other landed on his back.

I injured my ribs in the process.The last person who I had punched down launched for me, I moved out of the way but I realized that the man was about to hit my opponent,so I grabbed him by the collar and planted him down.

I checked the time,it was 11:45am.I quickly grabbed my motorcycle and rode off,it was a 30mins ride to the mosque.

I needed to speed up without getting caught,so I moved onto the rough road.I reached the mosque with five minutes to spare.

Firdaus was holding my attire.I went to change quickly.My hair was a mess,but no one could because of my hijab.

I put on light lip gloss and went to the ceremony.

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