My fate is sealed

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Razia's POV
Mansoor tried to speak I held him back.
Ahmed: I never knew you to me a wimp Mansoor.
Mansoor:am not like you father,all you have done is be mean to our mother and neglect us.You are only around when it has to do something with our reputation.You are a conceited man.

Qutub: that's enough son, don't disrespect your father.
Muiba:why do you always take his side?
Qutub:he is my husband.
Muiba:but we are your kids.You can divorce him but you can never divorce us.

Ahmed: what insolence is this muiba! You dare utter such filth in my presence? I am the one taking care of all of you.Do you think it's easy?

Razia:we know it isn't,that is why we try our best to put up with what you do to us,but sometimes it's too much.We are your family not your burden.
Ahmed:prove to me, that you are not a burden, accept this marriage quietly without making a fuss.

Razia:if I do that,will you treat my mother and siblings right? Will you allow them to make their own choices?
Ahmed: I give you my word.
Razia:then fine,I will marry Yusif.

(I walked off.)

Qutub's POV
That night I couldn't sleep,my daughter was sacrificing her happiness for us.

I as her mother, have failed her.Why did I end up with this version of Ahmed?

We were classmates,I never knew he liked me.He went to London to further his studies.I met another man and fell in love with him,but we could never be together.

Ahmed and my marraige was arranged long ago, when Ahmed found out I was inlove with another man,he hated me.

He changed after we got married.The man I fell for left when I chose to be with Ahmed.

It wasn't because of the arranged marriage,it was because I didn't know that I had fallen for Ahmed.

Now look at us,he hits me and insults me.He feels that I betrayed him.He never got over it and now my daughter had to suffer.

Razia's POV
The next day I came to the race zone.I sat down with naida.She had cried alot.

Naida:my parents rejected Osman,they said they didn't want me to be married to a filthy mechanic
Razia: it's unlike your parents to be like this.
Naida: I know right.They said they wanted someone who was well off,who could take care of me.I understand them but I can't stop loving Osman .He is working very hard for us and I will also start working.

Razia: have faith dear, your parents can never force you to marry someone else without your consent,they will have no choice but let you marry Osman,if only they have your best interest.As for me,my fate is sealed.

Naida:you can say no,you know.In Islam you can never force one to marry without their consent.
Razia:I know but this is for my family's happiness.Hopefully marrying Yusif will allow for me to be treated better.

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