Beating him

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Razia's POV
The race started,I realised I wasn't focused,it had something to do,with a certain mafia boss.

I drove into the race.We were a total of 30cars.I was in the 27th position.This was my game plan,tire them out.

We were racing around 5 laps.The race tracks was huge,one of the challenges was making sure that you didn't run out of gas.

We went the second round, and I sped up to the 20th position.The don was ahead in the top 2.

Third lap I was at the 15th position.Third lap was the difficult point, because you are now loosing alot of gas.

People were now using their second engines,but I was still using my first . Fourth yard,I now sped up and started using my gas.

I surpassed 5 cars,I was now among the higher ranks in the top ten.As usual started trying to get me out.

One tried to drive into me as we reached a curve,I sped up forward causing that racer to drive into another.I was now in the 8th position.

Out of nowhere a car drove onto my side and started driving me into the side of the tracks.

I tried to fight back,so I looked back and saw another race car coming.I managed to push that car infront of the speeding car.

Bam!they crashed.I was on 7th.Final lap.I rode faster and surpassed two cars.

I was now fifth.The three cars infront of me tried to block me from surpassing me.They gathered and went every direction I went,so I decided to drive over the race course.

I drove over the wall and pressed s button launching me infront of the three cars.

I was now in second place.I was now side to side with the don.I was now using my second engine.

We were closer to the finish line.He sped up too early,as I stayed on his tail.We were now close,I used all the speed in my engine and surpassed him, winning the race.

You see,my second engine was fresh and barely used.I told y'all that my truck was endurable.Old is gold.

I won the race,many cheered me on but it soon became silent when the don came out.His men started coming out from the crowd to join him.

Eric and Osman came to my side.One of the Don's men spoke.

Chase:Nobody has ever beaten the don and you did.
Eric:is that a problem, because she won fair and square.Trying to eliminate her will only make you a coward(the crowd gasped.All this while,the don was sitting on top of his car, giving me a side glances as if reading me.)

Chase: don't you disrespect the don.We are not here to eliminate her.The don had accepted his defeat,but wants a rematch.

Razia:no(the crowd gasped.The don raised an eyebrow at me) you have lost will just be an embarrassment to loose again.It was an honor racing you,don.

(We walked off).

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