daddy loves me?

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Max's POV
Ahmed: I will never accept you as my son in law.
Max: I understand you.I am here because of your daughter.
Ahmed: muiba is fine.

Max:you know who am talking about.What we did was wrong,but you are also wrong as well.

Max:yes you.Your first mistake was maltreating your wife.You are supposed to treat her with kindness, and live with her in peace and harmony.But you did otherwise.You are supposed to love your children yet you treat them horrible,all they ever wanted was your love.

(He turned his back to me)
Max:was that too much to ask?the love of a husband and father?I get that you have issues with your wife,but please Learn to forgive.Now you also have issues with Razia, your daughter.So you please,put all your anger on me instead.She is my wife,so I will carry all her burden.Please

Ahmed:if you are done,you can leave.
Max: father..
Ahmed: just leave.
Max: I hope you can learn to forgive us.
(I sadly left.)

Muiba's POV
I had been receiving letters from Hudson.He never met me physically,yet he kept sending me letters.I was reading one when firdaus took it from my hands.

Firdaus: and who might this be?(I took it back from her)
Muiba: it's my letter.(firdaus had come over with her brother to see Mansoor.Mansoor came in with a glass of juice for firdaus)

Firdaus: thank you.
Muiba:where is mine brother?
Mansoor:go get it yourself.
Taufic:so you treat my sister like a queen, and yours like a ...(I was glaring) umm never mind.

Mansoor: she is s little trouble maker,a parrot.
Muiba:you guys always tease me.(suddenly father walked into the hall.we were surprised that he came home early)

Ahmed: what are you doing here?Razia doesn't leave here no more.
Firdaus:I came to see Mansoor.
Ahmed: really,you do know that you cannot form a relationship with a man who isn't your husband?

Mansoor:we in the process of courting.
Ahmed:then where are her relatives?she cannot be in the presence of a man without a relative

Taufic:am her older brother.
Ahmed:oh, and when did you start seeing this woman?
Mansoor: not long ago.
Ahmed:why didn't you tell me?
Mansoor:we figured that you wouldn't care.

(Dad stood silent,he then walked off.)

Razia's Pov
Two weeks later,it was time to race in the semi finals.I told Fiona this Time not to help.I wanted her to also have fun.

There were 35 race cars, only twenty would qualify.This time around I was focused and no one tried to attack me.

These racers we're tough but I managed to finish in 10th place, Fiona at 12th place.

We qualified.Fiona and I came off the park to celebrate with my family, when suddenly I saw dad running towards me.

There was a gunshot fired at me,but dad jumped in , getting hit.Another fired.It was Esteban shooting the shooter.

I rushed to father.
Razia: father!
Ahmed: I love you.

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