Entry 32

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Dear Diary,

It feels like it's been a lifetime since I last wrote in you, and it seems fitting that this final entry will fill the last free pages of my book. It has been over a month since we returned home. It's good to be back. We've been through so much since we left home. We've faced danger, made new friends, and fought against Monma and Susa. We've seen things that we never imagined we would, and we've learned so much about ourselves and the world around us.

After my last entry, we spent several weeks strategizing and preparing for the raid on Greed. When we finally launched the mission, we encountered numerous obstacles that tested our resolve and ingenuity.As and Abo, in particular, suffered significant losses in the course of the operation. They lost some dear friends, and their grief was palpable. But despite the challenges, we persevered. We worked together, shared our strengths, and overcame our weaknesses to achieve our goal. 

 The mission was full of danger, and there were moments when we thought we might not make it. But we dug deep, found our courage, and fought with all our might. And in the end, our efforts paid off. We successfully eradicated the disease in Greed and emerged victorious. The aftermath of the battle was devastating, but our group of survivors knew that it was important to stay and help. We spent three days in Greed, working tirelessly to put everything back together. Lust and Sloth were especially welcoming, offering sanctuary to anyone who needed it. Meanwhile, Greed quickly chose a new leader to guide the rebuilding efforts.

Despite the hardship, the people had a sense of hope and unity. We all understood the importance of coming together to heal and rebuild. It was a challenging time, but it was also a time of growth and transformation. By the time we left Greed, we had made new friends, learned valuable lessons, and gained a deeper appreciation for the resilience of the human spirit.

As let us build a monument in the town of Lust to honor our dear friend Crag, who helped us escape the dangerous forest in Envy. Crag was an incredibly brave and loyal companion who gave his life to protect us. We will always remember and cherish his sacrifice. Additionally, As promised to work towards freeing those who were still trapped, including Elze. We hope that being free will help her find peace. We are determined to do everything in our power to help those who are still trapped and bring them to safety. 

When it was finally time to form the portal and go home, Abo and As were there to say goodbye. It was hard to leave our friends behind, especially after all we'd been through, but we knew that we had to go. Abo gave us a charm that creates a portal directly to his tree, and he made us promise to come back and visit when we were ready. As made a point to ensure we knew that Lust was also always open to us.

We made it back home safely, and it was great to be back. Unfortunately, we were greeted with the sight of our homes in a rough state. We had been away for so long that all the food had gone bad, and all the plants inside had died. Our gardens were also looking rough, and it was clear that a lot of work was needed to get everything back to normal.

It took tons of work and magic to get everything back to normal, but we finally revived all the plants, restored the gardens, disposed of any spoiled food, and got everything back to perfect shape. After a couple of weeks, Monet and Munin moved in with Lillith and me. It was great to have them with us, and we all worked together to restore our homes. More great news followed as we learned that Lillith and Monet were engaged! It was an unexpected and delightful surprise, especially after all the hardships we had been through.

We never want to be apart again, and the idea of combining our two little families sounded wonderful. We are all looking forward to the future and the adventures that lie ahead. It's a good feeling for all of us to be together; it feels safe and stable. 

Since our initial return home, life has been much calmer and quieter. We've spent our days catching up on rest, tending to our gardens, and enjoying each other's company. It's been nice to have some time to reflect on everything that's happened and process all of our emotions, all of the violence, illness, and loss was hard on all of us. We've talked about our experiences, shared our fears and hopes, and supported each other through the ups and downs of our trauma.

As much as we miss our other realm friends, it will probably be a good while before we go visit, we've definitely thought about it but going through a portal so soon after all of this is very difficult for all of us. It was certainly in the back of our minds that things could go very wrong again. We will be able to visit at some point, but we have no intentions of rushing and forcing ourselves. The girls plan on having their wedding in the Pride region where Monet grew up; we think it will be a beautiful reunion with our friends if it's at a wedding.

Ending this journal feels kind of like losing a friend; the hardest parts of my family's life have filled the pages of this book, and this has been the thing that has gotten me through this all. Lillith says that I will have new books to fill with new journeys, but this was my first. I'm unsure what the future looks like, but I have the greatest support system to help me through anything. 

Goodbye for the last time, friend, thank you for keeping my story safe. 


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