Entry 4

18 1 0

Dear Diary,

Lillith and I took a much-needed break from our usual magical work. We spent the whole day foraging and gathering supplies in the forest. It was a relaxing and tranquil experience that reminded me of the beauty of nature.

Foraging doesn't sound exciting or relaxing, but it is our absolute favorite activity, especially now that I can finally ask my questions. We started early in the morning, armed with baskets and our love of the forest. We walked along the winding paths, stopping to pick herbs and flowers that we needed for potions and spells. My witch showed me the difference between various plants and how to identify them by their leaves and stems. She even taught me some of the medicinal properties of the herbs and how they could be used to treat various ailments.

As we walked, we talked about everything and nothing. My witch told me stories about her upbringing and becoming a witch. I shared my own experiences from before I became her familiar. It was nice to have a break from the usual magical conversations and talk about life. We discussed our hopes and dreams, fears and worries, and how we could help each other achieve our goals.

We took breaks along the way to enjoy the scenery. We sat by a babbling brook and ate the lunch we had packed. My witch showed me how to skip stones across the water, and I laughed as I watched them jump across the slow water. She even took a refreshing dip in the cool water, splashing just to the sides of me, not truly trying to get me wet.

In the afternoon, we stumbled upon a grove of fruit trees. My witch climbed a tree and picked apples while I gathered the fallen ones. We filled our baskets with the juicy fruit and shared one as we returned home. We even talked about making a pie or some other delicious treat with the rest of the fruit.

As we walked back, silently sharing the moment of peace, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of peace. We had gathered everything we needed for our magical work, but we also enjoyed each other's company and the beauty of the forest. We talked about how we could incorporate what we had learned and gathered into our magical practice and how we could continue to make time for moments like this.


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