Entry 12

13 2 0

Dear Diary,

I think Munin and I are getting close to figuring out how to open the portal. We talked about what could be different from last time, and we believe it's our emotions. When I stumbled across the portal, I was happy and calm while chasing a squirrel. We think that maybe these emotions caused it to open.

But, our situation is far from happy and calm. Our caretakers and best friends have been missing for a month, and we have no help. We have also run out of food that isn't bugs and leaves from outside. We have tried various things to find a sense of calm and happiness again. Meditation didn't work as we couldn't focus with our empty stomachs growling. Games and activities were also not helpful as the constant worry of our missing caretakers kept creeping back in.

We decided to find beauty in our surroundings, and Munin suggested looking at the stars at night. The sight was breathtaking - thousands of stars twinkling in the sky. It was calming and beautiful, and we forgot about our worries for a moment.

We realized that finding beauty in the little things around us could help us find a sense of calm and happiness. We made a list of things we could do and see, like watching the sunrise or listening to the birds sing. It won't solve our problems, but it will give us a much-needed break from the stress and worries of our situation, maybe enough to focus on the portal.

We plan to try opening the portal again tomorrow. 

It feels like time is running out. 


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