Entry 15

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Dear Diary,

Our luck just got better. This morning, my journal woke us up with a strange glow. It had opened to a new page, and a message appeared.

A message from my girl.

My Felicette,
I have received a vision that you and Munin have made your way through the portal! If this is true, you should receive this message.

First, thank you, my brave, sweet girl, for finding a way through to save us. We should have never left you two alone; I am sincerely sorry and may never forgive myself for leaving you for so long.

We are safe, but Monet has fallen into a coma. She has received no injuries or ailments that we are aware of; I believe it's magical. We have found a large city-like civilization in the center of this dimension. 

I don't know exactly where you are, but you will find us if you can reach high ground and spot a large glowing golden tower, almost like a skyscraper. We have been given medical care and a safe place to stay. These people are not like those at home, they are incredibly generous.

Find us, and maybe we can make it home together.


This means we can find our girls. Munin has already flown up as high as he could to try and spot the giant tower, but he hasn't found it yet. We have no idea how much ground we have to cover or even what direction to move in; this is still more of a start or lead than we could have ever imagined getting.

We are packing up camp, and for now, we will keep walking; Munin will continue to fly up, and I will climb the trees.

It feels so close, but the simplicity seems like a cruel illusion.


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