Chapter 54 - A Plan Without B

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As we made our way out of the room, I noticed Major Himeko emerging from the elevator.

"Major Himeko, hello."

She smiled upon seeing me. "Oh? Shin... How was your rest?"

"All good."

"I see. That's good to hear. Now... we don't want to be late for the meeting, so let's go."

"Meeting? With Anti-Entropy?"


"This is the first time meeting them." And I'm somewhat curious too... With that, we headed towards the meeting room.

As we walked down the hallway, we were greeted by a woman with fiery red hair tied into twin tails with red bows. Her red eyes peered over red-framed glasses as she stood by the door.

"You're late, Major Himeko," she said, her tone clipped.

"Sorry, Dr. Tesla," Himeko replied.

"Hmph." Dr. Tesla's gaze shifted to me, giving me a thorough once-over. "You must be that male Valkyrie who escaped from Schicksal's HQ."

"Watanabe Shin," I introduced myself with a bow.

"Oh? Quite polite," Dr. Tesla remarked before stepping into the room, followed by us.

Inside, the room was sleek and modern, with monitors displaying various data and screens flickering with information. Several figures were already seated around a large table, Among them, I noticed Mei, Principal Theresa, and Dr. Einstein.

"Please, have a seat," Dr. Tesla gestured towards the empty chairs.

As we took our seats, Dr. Tesla began the meeting, "Now then... Let's talk about the first threat, the Schicksal. Now that we have the Hyperion Ship in our hands, the first problem is going to be their air terminal defense."

Dr. Einstein then stood up, swiping the air to reveal a few holograms and passing us the mission briefing. "Dr. Tesla, Himeko, and Shin will enter the control tower and disable them, while Mei, Bronya, and I will defend the Hyperion."

"Sounds like a good plan, but what about me?!" Theresa asked.

"Miss Theresa, you will guide both of us and keep watch on the Schicksal forces, making sure they are still focused on Benares."

"Why does it sound very simple enough." Theresa pouted.

"Wait," I interrupted.

"Yes? Shin?" Einstein asked.

"This is just a question, but after I was kidnapped by Kika, what happened to Kiana back then?"

Everyone turned to Einstein.

"That... I don't know. The only thing we knew is she went berserk inside and escaped, only to awaken the Herrscher inside her."

As the meeting progressed, a figure suddenly barged into the room.

"Uhm! Can you tell me more about the Herrscher inside Kiana!" the figure demanded.

My eyes widened. "Houraiji...?"

"You... What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here! Wait... Did you just eavesdrop on us!?" Tesla said, clearly surprised.

"Uhm... Uhhh!"

"Now now, everyone, sorry about our valkyrie," Himeko said, standing up. "Introduce yourself, Houraiji."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Houraiji straightened herself and then said, "My name is Houraiji Kyuusyou! Rank S Valkyrie of St. Freya!"

"Houraiji.... Kyuusyou?" Einstein muttered to herself. "That name sounds very familiar."

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