Chapter 26 - My Strongest Desire

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"Where am I?" I muttered, my voice swallowed by the emptiness that surrounded me.

. It was a void, an empty expanse with nothing but a solitary sword stuck into the ground.

"Ara?~ You finally woke up~" Tsurugi's mischievous voice echoed, and she floated down gracefully, landing atop the hilt of the solitary sword.

"Tsurugi..." My gaze met hers as I began to walk towards her. However, with each step, an unexpected pang of headache struck me, intensifying as I got closer.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk~ Seems like reality is not so welcoming, Shin," Tsurugi chided, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and concern. "You can't escape the consequences of your actions, after all."

I winced at the throbbing pain in my head, trying to maintain my composure. "Consequences?"

Tsurugi hopped off the sword and circled me, "Oh, dear Shin, you've stepped into a realm where the boundaries between reality and illusion blur. A consequence of wielding powers beyond comprehension."

The void seemed to respond to her words, distorting and shifting in unsettling ways. I gripped my head, the headache escalating.

"This is your mind, your consciousness," Tsurugi explained, a coy smile playing on her lips. "But the consequences of your choices are catching up. Your mind is a battleground of conflicting forces."

As Tsurugi spoke, memories flashed before me—battles, choices, the clash of blades and flames. The void echoed with the echoes of my past actions.

That's not me...!

"You can't escape it, Shin. Face the consequences, or be lost in this void forever," Tsurugi's tone turned more serious, a rare moment of sincerity in her usually playful demeanor.

"That's not me...!" I exclaimed, pushing her away with a sudden surge of defiance.

"That hurts~ You were the one who let me control your body, you know?" She taunted, a devious smirk playing on her lips.

"That's a lie! I never wanted you to control my body!"

"Hahahaha!~ Interesting! Interesting!~" She laughed, a haunting melody that echoed in the surreal space. Closing the distance between us, she walked towards me, her gaze penetrating. She delicately grabbed my chin, forcing me to meet her gaze. "Tell me, Shin, what is your biggest desire?"

"My desire?"

"That's right... I already know the answer, but I want to hear it from your own voice..."

I remained silent, locking eyes with her, contemplating my response.

"And?" she prodded, her tone carrying a hint of anticipation.

"Desire to be strong."

"Ding ding~ That's right, Shin~ You finally said it!"

"But...!" I began to protest, only to be silenced as she hushed me with her finger, lightly touching my lips. She shook her head with a calculated grace.

"Your desire awakened me as you let your emotions flood in... It's your fault in the first place. Now what? You're in a stage of coma, can't do a thing besides laying down on the bed."

Her words lingered in the air, a heavy acknowledgment of the consequences of my desires and actions.

"Honestly, isn't it your fault that your own brother died?" Her words cut through the air like a chilling wind.

"Stop... it..." I pleaded, my voice strained.

"He died because you are weak!"


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