Chapter 36 - The 12th Herrscher

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"Hello, my name is Mushoku Kika... Looking forward to this mission."

Kiana and I exchanged glances, surprised by the sudden appearance of our new teammate.

"Nice to meet you, Kika," I greeted, offering a nod of acknowledgment.

Kiana, ever the outgoing one, stepped forward with a smile. "Hey there! I'm Kiana, and this is Shin. Welcome to the team!"

"Likewise," Kika responded with a nod before retreating back into the room, leaving us with more questions than answers.

"Huh? Is she an introvert? She kind of reminds me of Bronya," Kiana mused, scratching her head in confusion.

Fu Hua shook her head. "No, she's not an introvert, but yes, she does have similarities to Bronya."

"So, what kind of help will she provide us?" I inquired, curious about Kika's role in our mission.

"Air support and ranged support."

"Oh? That's actually interesting," I remarked, intrigued by the prospect of having additional firepower on our side.

I don't mind having that on my back since every time I go out on a mission with the squad (A/N: Kiana, Mei, Bronya, Shin), I always have Bronya watching my back.

"Hm..." Fu Hua stayed silent before speaking again, "Shin, Kiana, can I tell you something?" Fu Hua's expression grew solemn as she motioned for us to come closer.

Kiana and I exchanged glances before approaching Fu Hua with concern etched on our faces.

"Actually... the idea of bringing Kika Mushoku on this mission was opposed by the headmaster herself, although it was insisted upon by her grandfather," Fu Hua divulged, her voice lowered.

"Does that mean... she's dangerous?" I couldn't help but ask, a tinge of worry creeping into my voice.

"No, but I wouldn't say that you should let your guard down either," Fu Hua replied cryptically.

Kiana nodded, her expression serious. "Got it. We'll be cautious around her."

"Good, now then, let's change the topic. Any leads?" Fu Hua inquired, shifting the focus of our conversation.

"I believe none yet, but we encountered a few zombies on the way. Is that normal?" I asked, curious about the unusual encounter.

Fu Hua paused, her brow furrowing in thought. "Encountering zombies in this area is indeed unusual. It could be a sign of increasing Honkai activity in the region."

Kiana's eyes widened in surprise. "So, you mean the appearance of zombies might be related to our mission?"

"It's a possibility we shouldn't dismiss," Fu Hua replied, her tone grave. "We'll need to remain vigilant and investigate further as we proceed with our mission."

I nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of urgency creeping over me. "Understood. We'll keep an eye out for any signs of Honkai activity and report back to you."

Fu Hua nodded in approval. "Good. Let's stay focused and continue our search for the Divine Key."

"Roger!" Kiana and I said in unison, determined to carry out our mission diligently.

As Fu Hua walked away, the door slid open once more, and Kika peeked out at us. "You two... encountered the zombies, right?"

"Yeah, we did."

"I'm sorry. I imagine it must have been tough for you two to face them," Kika said sympathetically in a sarcastic tone.

Uwah... Is that sarcasm? That stings.

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