Chapter 41 - Beach Chapter is here!

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After what felt like an eternity, I was finally discharged from the hospital.

"Ah, freedom at last," I exclaimed, stretching my limbs. "I definitely need a good shower. I smell like a walking pharmacy."

Just then, a sleek car pulled up beside me, the driver appeared to be Major Himeko who had a smile on me. "Hey there," she greeted with a smirk. "Hop in. We don't want to draw unnecessary attention."

"Major Himeko, is this your ride?"

"Heh, I wish. Now get in."

I opened the passenger door and settled into the seat, closing it behind me. "Is this a convertible or a cabriolet?"

"You know your cars," Himeko remarked as she started the engine and pulled away from the hospital. "Maybe you'll get to drive one someday."

"Someday?" I echoed, intrigued. "Are you implying something?"

Himeko chuckled. "Just saying you should enjoy your youth while you can. After all, you narrowly escaped being zombified or worse."

"But I'm fine, right?"

"You're lucky, that's what you are," she replied, her expression serious. "Don't take it for granted."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," I muttered, slightly annoyed.

"Shin, listen," Himeko said, her tone softening. "Having a Herrscher within you doesn't make you invincible. You still can't fully control the Herrscher of Blade, right?"

I nodded reluctantly. "Yeah, she's... a work in progress."

"Training, huh? Where do you even train?" Himeko asked, raising an eyebrow.

"In my dreams, mostly," I admitted sheepishly.

Himeko shook her head, a wry smile playing on her lips. "Well, that's unconventional, to say the least."

"Yeah, tell me about it," I sighed, sinking back into the seat.

"Miss Himeko, what's this ring on my finger? It's glowing red," I inquired, noticing the bright hue emitting from the band.

Himeko glanced at the ring as we paused at a red light. "Ah, that's the latest invention from Schicksal Arms R&D, the 'Moon Ring.' It's designed to convert Honkai Energy into General-Purpose Energy. Essentially, it absorbs your Honkai Energy and transforms it into a more versatile form, amplifying its effectiveness."

"So, it acts like a battery for Honkai Energy?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes," Himeko confirmed. "It helps regulate the accumulation of Honkai Energy within you by converting it into a safer and more usable form."

"That sounds incredibly useful."

"It is, but it also comes with risks," Himeko cautioned. "It's a powerful tool, but mishandling it could have serious consequences."

"I'll make sure to handle it with care," I assured her.

"Good. Just remember to stay vigilant," Himeko advised her tone firm. "Honkai Energy is unpredictable, and even with the Moon Ring, it's important to remain cautious."

"I understand."

As the green light illuminated the stoplight, Himeko gently pressed on the accelerator, and we resumed our ride.

"Miss Himeko, when are we going on vacation?"

"Huh? Oh, I guess we forgot to mention that we are going on vacation," Himeko replied casually.


"Yes, we're actually on our way there now," she confirmed with a smirk.

"To where?"

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