Chapter 9 - Going Out With Bronya

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Tired from the day's events, I was eager to get some rest and call it a day. As I reached for the doorknob and opened the door to my dorm, I was met with an unexpected sight: Bronya, charging her cannon and aiming it directly at the door.

"What's going on, Bronya?" I asked, bewildered and alarmed.

Without a word, Bronya issued a command to her Bunny19C, "Fire."

The missiles were launched, and I reacted quickly, sprinting out of the dorm to avoid being caught in the explosion. I watched in disbelief as the projectiles whizzed past me and exploded harmlessly.

"What the hell, Bronya!" I shouted as I regained my composure.

She turned her gaze away, her expression inscrutable. "Shin... You're late."

"Late?" I exclaimed, incredulous. "I was at the headmaster's office. How could I have been on time?"

Bronya didn't respond, her features remaining stoic. Then, she shifted her attention back to me with an odd smile.

"So, what do you want, Bronya? Are we going somewhere?"

Her response was an affirmative nod, devoid of emotion.

"But I didn't even get a chance to rest," I protested, my frustration evident in my tone.

"Are you saying you won't?" Bronya inquired, her Bunny19C preparing for another missile launch.

"I will, I will!" I quickly reassured her, a bead of sweat forming on my brow. "Just give me a moment to get ready."

She nodded and floated out of the dorm, closing the door behind her. As I collected my thoughts and prepared for today with Bronya, I couldn't help but sigh in exasperation.


A few minutes later, I emerged from my dorm, my face displaying the fatigue I felt. I noticed Bronya immersed in her phone, likely playing a game. I walked closer to her and peeked at her screen.

"Oh... You're trying to perfect combo the level," I observed, recognizing the rhythm game she was playing. Then, my eyes widened. "Wait a second... How did you get that Yukina Minato!?" (BanG Dream: Girl's Band Party)

"I paid for it," she responded casually.

"Paid?!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes," she affirmed, seemingly unbothered by my reaction.

Bronya... Stop being a whale.

"Anyway, shall we go now?"

Bronya nodded, turning off her phone and putting it in her pocket before floating beside me as we headed to the stairs slowly descending.

I glanced over at her and couldn't help but sigh, "By the way, Bronya... This is just a favor, but can't you walk like a normal person does?"

Bronya's expression remained deadpan as she looked at me, "But The Bronya is too lazy to walk right now."

"Eh... Seriously?"

"Mhm... I was still recovering from the shock of the fact that you deleted my saved file."

"Okay, look, I actually feel guilty, okay?"

Also please don't bring it up, My heart hurts just thinking about it.

As we reached the ground floor, Bronya turned to me, "Shin, wait here."

I nodded in acknowledgment.

I knew she was going to fetch her motorcycle. I remembered seeing Bronya with the motorcycle before. It wasn't an ordinary one; it had a high-tech and advanced design.

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