Chapter 50 - Before the Storm

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"Overseer, Kika has successfully apprehended the target. However, there's an additional unidentified individual with her. What are your orders?"

"Unidentified target? Who is it?" he inquired.

"Shin Watanabe."

"Shin Watanabe? Hehe... That's intriguing. So, this is what Rita and Kika were discussing—a male Valkyrie admitted to St. Freya with a rare stigmata," he mused. "Detain him... but ensure my granddaughter is unharmed. Let her go." He instructed, "And bring him to me, Durandal."


Meanwhile, from Theresa's perspective...

Kika still held Theresa and Shin in her grasp using her robots. Suddenly, a hologram communication flickered to life in front of her.

"Kika, Release Theresa immediately... Keep Shin restrained," Durandal commanded.

"Understood," Kika replied in a monotone voice, releasing Theresa while maintaining her grip on Shin. With a mechanical movement, she stepped away, leaving Theresa on the ground.

Struggling to rise, Theresa activated a hologram with a swipe of her hand. "Ai, relay a message to Himeko: Prepare for battle at once."

"Target: Schicksal Headquarters."

Also, ensure Wendy is transferred to the battleship Hyperion for her safety. Guard her at all costs... Time is of the essence!" With determination, she managed to stand, albeit with a noticeable limp.

"Kiana, I'm on my way!"

Back to Shin's perspective.

10 hours later...

As consciousness slowly returned, I found myself lying on the cold, hard floor of an unfamiliar room. With a groan, I pushed myself up, my head throbbing with confusion.

"Where... Where am I?" I murmured, trying to make sense of my surroundings.

A cell?

A voice cut through the silence, coming from beyond the bars of the cell. I turned to see Kika standing there, her demeanor impassive as ever.

"You're awake."

"Kika... What's happening? Why am I here?" I questioned, struggling to grasp the situation.

"You're currently held at Schicksal HQ," she replied evenly.

"Schicksal... HQ...!? But why am I in a cell?"

Kika's expression remained unreadable as she responded, "That's not something I can answer."

"What about Kiana? And Theresa?"

"Kiana... lost control. As for Theresa, I left her as instructed by Durandal."

"Kiana lost control...?" What does she mean by that?! "Kika! Let me out of here!"

"I cannot."

"Why not!? If you said is true then I have to be there!"

"Orders are orders," Kika replied stoically. "And my orders are to keep you detained until further notice."

As tension filled the air, footsteps echoed down the hallway, drawing our attention. Kika immediately straightened, her posture rigid as someone approached.

"Overseer Otto," Kika greeted respectfully, bowing as the man approached.

Otto Apocalypse. A name I had heard before, a name synonymous with power and authority within Schicksal.

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