Chapter 4 - Calm Before The Storm (2)

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As we advanced toward the main room, more mechs dropped down, but this time they were different; they had a fiery red hue.

"Everyone, hide," I whispered urgently.

"Eh?! Why-" Kiana began to protest but Mei quickly covered Kiana's mouth, and the four of us sought cover behind mechas that were still out of control.

"Bronya-chan, are we in the area where they store these mechas?" Mei inquired as she still had her hand on Kiana's mouth.

She's probably enjoying her hand right now.

"Affirmative. The Bronya scanned this area, and it appears to be Anti-Entropy's mecha warehouse," Bronya responded as she held her chin.

"That means we'll likely have to face more of these. My sword won't hold up much longer," I sighed, feeling the strain on my weapon.

Bronya activated a holographic screen, her fingers moving rapidly across it.

"...Mei-neesan's psycho readings don't look good," she observed.

"What do you see, Bronya-chan?" Mei asked.

Bronya turned to her, "Mei-neesan, the Bronya has a recommendation."

Kiana and I exchanged curious glances.

"The Bronya suggests we make use of the mech units stored here."

"Oh, I see," I nodded in understanding.

Bronya approached the mecha we were hiding behind and began hacking into its systems with her usual speed.

Password protection disabled. Pilot access granted. Combat systems activated.

"A trojan? No. It seems like a minor Honkai leak." Bronya muttered under her breath as she was focusing on her screen. "Minor event categorized. Moving on." After a few seconds, Bronya let out a sigh of relief. "Anti-Entropy specialists combat mech armed and ready."

Kiana's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Whoah! This is super cool. I'll pilot this one!"

"Negative," Bronya quickly replied with a blank stare.

Kiana pouted, "Hmm. Why? It's my turn to do something cool."

"Mech piloting requires at least 10,000 hours of training. Candidate pilots must be well-versed in the basic principles of EM theories, fluid dynamics, and aerodynamics."

Kiana's enthusiasm waned. "Ah, really? You must be kidding me. This mech looks simpler than a bike."

"Idiot Kiana, didn't you see Shin almost die inside the previous one?"

"B-Bronya-chan, Y-You don't need to mention that," I chuckled, scratching my head.

"Well then, Mei-neesan, please control the mech," Bronya suggested as the hatch opened from behind.

Mei reluctantly entered the mech, controlling its hand as she marveled at her newfound power. "Hm? Looks like I can fight with this."

Kiana, on the other hand, couldn't contain her excitement as she whined. "No fair! Bronya! I wanna do it! I wanna do it!"

Bronya, in her usual no-nonsense manner, responded, "Don't act like a child, idiot Kiana." She moved to another mech, busying herself with hacking. After a few minutes, she opened the hatch for Kiana. "Here, control this."

"Oooh!~ Thank you, Bronya!!"

"Hmph." Bronya grumbled.

Uwah... Cute

I interrupted their banter, "Guys, hate to break it to you, but I think they've noticed us." I slowly began to step back.

Kiana, however, couldn't contain her enthusiasm. She jumped onto the hatch and immediately took control of the mech. "Alright! It's show time!"

"Kiana-chan! Wait!" Mei rushed after her, trying to provide support.

Kiana wreaked havoc with the mech, while Mei did her best to cover her... Geez, Kiana is reckless as always.

Just then, houkai beasts materialized out of nowhere.

"Bronya-chan, houkai beasts at 310!" I shouted as I unsheathed my katana.

"Roger," Bronya responded, revealing her Bunny19C. "Cannon mode," she commanded as it transformed into a cannon. "Fire." Missiles shot out of the cannon, heading straight for the houkai beasts.

As the missiles launched, I swiftly dashed forward, using the cover of smoke to my advantage, slashing at the houkai beasts.

"Direct hit!" I exclaimed as one of the beasts crumbled to the ground.

Just as I had finished slicing the last houkai beast, my right hand began to shine brightly. "A-arghh!" I cried out, clutching my right arm as it felt like it was burning.

"Shin!" Bronya quickly rushed over. "What's wrong?"

"M-My hand...! It burns!"

Bronya immediately attempted to contact Himeko, "Major Himeko, come in! Major Himeko!" There was no response. "Damn it, there must be a jammer somewhere..."

"What's wrong, Shin?" Mei and Kiana leaped out of their mechs and rushed over to me.

"Arghh...!" I gritted my teeth, the pain in my right hand growing even stronger.

Protocol: Stigmata

Releasing in 3... 2... 1...

"Ahh, I'm finally back." A voice echoed in my mind, and it sent shivers down my spine. I had no idea what was happening.

A new Herrscher has been born...

The words reverberated in my head, and I felt a surge of power coursing through me.

Just then, a sudden shockwave emanated from my body, sending Bronya, Mei, and Kiana flying backward.

"What's with the Houkai energy from Shin?" Bronya exclaimed as she analyzed my condition.

"Shin...!! Hang in there!"

I couldn't control the overwhelming energy, and it felt like I was being consumed from the inside. "Arghh...! Ahhh!!" It hurts...!

Amid the chaos, a mysterious voice whispered in my mind. "Control it."

"Who are you...? Why are you in my mind?"

"Fufu~ You're quite interesting, my master," the voice continued, dripping with an eerie sweetness. "A lowly peasant who doesn't know anything. I might as well take your body and destroy it."

"Leave me... alone!!" I cried out, struggling against the unknown presence within me.

Just as the pain in my right hand subsided, I could still sense the residual burning sensation. Mei and the others rushed over to check on me.

"Shin! Are you okay!?" Mei asked, her voice filled with concern. But as she peered closer, she realized something was amiss. "Huh? Shin?"

I was on the verge of losing consciousness, struggling to remain awake.

I can't let them down because of me...

Lying on the ground, my vision blurred as I gazed up at Mei, Kiana, and Bronya. The concern in their faces was clear. With my strength waning, I muttered in frustration, "Shit... I'm so lame," and then everything went dark.

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