Happy face, Sad face.

42 0 17

Almer (Right, that's the ship name for albert and elmer?)

Age: 15-17


TW: mentions of Elmer's father being abusive, cigars (RACETRACK <3333333)


3rd POV

                                                                                'Though I crapped out'

Elmer had always had a smile on his face, no matter what. Even when his parents were fighting, he always tried to keep that smile on his face, always trying to be in a good mood. But now, after that everything that's been going on, his parents divorce, his mom going back to Poland with his older siblings, leaving Elmer with his father's abusive, then his dad's death was enough to just stop smiling. Stop being happy. Stop being himself. Now Elmer has to go and find work so he can just eat bread for the rest of his days on the shitty planet.

Elmer wore his only pair of clothes, a muted colored button up shirt that he tucked into his muted color pants. The only bright colors we wore were his socks, but they were barely shown from the length of his pants. Newsies wore stuff like this, right?  Elmer wondered. Yeah, they probably do. 


The headline was interesting, no doubt. It was the day after the trolley strike started, June 11th, 1899. This is definitely a headline even Elmer could sell. This was indeed a good day to sell papes for the Newsies.

Albert, Jack, and Race were waiting for the other Newsies to finish paying for the papers. One of the Newsies caught Albert's eye. It was a new Newsies. He looked about fourteen, only a year younger than Albert, with dark, curly hair and he was tall and skinny. This seemed like the redhead's type, but all that was missing was a happy smile and a Polish accent. That's what he liked.

"Woah, a new Newsies, hm?" Jack Kelly said. "Seems like we're gettin' new Newsies everyday."

Race nodded, agreeing with the slightly taller man. "Guess a lot of them are losin' parents or they's just too poor. Guess that means I get more of a chance to slide into a man's pa-" 

"Don't even think 'bout finishin' that sentence off, Race." Albert cut him off. The ginger was an ace man and kind of hated all the sexual jokes Race made. 

The ginger didn't take his eyes off of the fourteen year-old boy. He saw him ask for his papers, but he also saw him looking through his pockets, probably for a dime or something. I guess he didn't know that he had to pay for news papers.

"Ah shit.." Albert mumbled. 

Jack raised an eyebrow. "What's it now, Albert? Havin' another fit?"

The ginger shook his head at the taller man. "Nah. The new Newsie didn't bring any money. Lucky I just so happen to have an extra dime."

Albert left the others and headed over to new Newsie and placed the dime at the stand in front of Weasel. "There. Now give him his papes, Weasel."

Weasel dropped the papers in front of the two and took the dime. Albert turned to the teen and saw his lips moving, but didn't hear what he said, probably because he's going deaf. "Huh?" Albert asked.

"Thank you.." He said louder for Albert to hear. Polish accent. Maybe this was Albert's dream man.

"Eh, no problem. Us Newsies gotta stick together." Albert replied.

"That's right, Albert." Jack yelled over to them. "Us Newsies, we's like brothers. We look out for one another."

Jack walked over to the two. "So what's your name, new boy?"

"Elmer.." He responded. Elmer. What a nice name.

"Well I'm Jack. Jack Kelly." The 5'9 man put his hand in front of the 5'6 teen to shake, which Elmer did.

After their quick shake, Jack told the rest of the Newsies to start selling the papers. Before Albert went off, he saw a small, cute smile from Elmer. Yup. This was the ginger's dream man. 

As for Elmer, he felt belonged here. Like they weren't going to leave him. This was his family for now and forever.

                                                                 'I ain't tapped out'

Word Count: 660. Also for all of the heights, I found them all besides Sky (Albert)'s height so I'm just gonna make Albert about 5'5 until I find out what his real height is. Anyway, seize the day- I mean have a nice day (sorry for my stupid dad joke)

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