Happy Birthday Clyde Donovan

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Age: 15-16


Clyde's POV


Today was my birthday! My first birthday with a boyfriend! I'm so happy, I might start crying tears of joy. But sadly, I have school on my birthday, which totally sucks. I would skip, but then I can't see my beautiful baby, Scott.

I was on the bus, sitting next to my bestie, Craig, and his boyfriend, Tweek, listening to music through Craig's probably nasty headphones. Behind us, Jimmy and Tolkien were talking about something smart that I don't know about. I just wanna get off the bus and see Scott.

We arrived very early today. Shocking, mainly because we are always very late. That means I have to deal with Cartman's annoying laugh from teasing Kyle about his insecurities. That's just not cool...

Once the bus doors swung open, I got my ass off the bus and headed (not) straight towards school doors. I wanted to get to my locker, see Scott and just try to have the best day possible. 

While I waited like an idiot, a few people said 'Happy Birthday' to me, like Stan and Kyle, Bebe and Red, and Tolkien, for the fifth time today. Tolkien is a nice guy. He was actually my Bi-awakening believe it or not. But he turned out to be straight, an ally though, so my chances with him went from 75% to -1%. But soon after I found love with Scott and we've been dating ever since. And that was last year.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. Our bus drivers switched today for some reason." Said a familiar voice. I turned around and it was Scott. I wrapped my arms around him.

"So that explains why I was super early today." I said while placing a kiss on his forehead.

Scott blushed, probably not expecting that. "Oh! Happy Birthday Clyde!" 

"Thank you, you beautiful bastard." I just couldn't stop flirting with him.

"Okay, Clyde, I have to tell you something.. I-" But my stupid ass cut him off.

"Are you breaking up with me?" 

Scott looked at me, a little confused. "No. What I'm trying to say is.." He took a deep breath. "I love you, Clyde Donovan. Happy Birthday, again." His face turned bright red.

My face turned so red, I probably looked like a tomato. "I- I love you too, Scott."

Then the stupid bell ring, ruining our fucking moment. We waved goodbye, with blush still on both of our faces. Today was already a good day.


Word count: 402. Happy late birthday Clyde!  And yes, I had to make it cheesy af bc why not? AND VERY CRINGE HEHHEHEHEH. anygay have a nice day you gays!

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