Fidget Spinner

102 1 28

Requested by: @h4nging10ats (ty for requesting this!)


Ages: 13-14

Angst with fluff at the end

Craig's Pov


"Okay, shut the fuck up, Clyde," I was in the middling of yelling at my best friend, Clyde, "no one cares about your bisexual panic!"

Clyde rolled his eyes at me. "You wouldn't understand, you gay!"

I gasped sarcastically and flipped him off. "Wow, I'm so offended."

"Whatever!" He stormed off and joined a conversation with Tolkien and Kyle.

I continued to walk the halls of this shitty school. It was a free period, so I could do pretty much whatever I wanted to. 

I walked past a classroom, and see, my boyfriend, Tweek Tweak, having a panic attack. He usually has one every other day and he knows how to take care of them. But this one seemed pretty.. bad. 

I knocked on the door, waiting for Tweek to nod yes. He barely did. I then turned the knob of the door and walked to him, slowly.

"Hey babe, you alright?" I asked him.

"N-No, Craig. I feel like I-I can barely breathe." Tweek said, trying to gasp for air. This is really bad.

I walked closer towards him and I knelt before him. "Tweek, look at me." 

He shot his head up, looking me directly in the eyes. 

"Now breathe in," I inhaled. I counted with my fingers to five, "and breathe out." I let all the air out, "Now do that for a few more times, alright honey."

And so he did. But he was still panicking a bit, but the breathing technique helped a bit. 

I grabbed my backpack and took out a fidget spinner. "Okay Tweek, now use a fidget spinner and it will take your mind off of whatever your panicking over."

But Tweek shook his head. "Craig, they don't work. I've tried them. They make me worry about it more!"

"Tweek, can you at least try one more time? For me?"

And he shook his head. 

I was trying my best not to get mad at him. I always try to do that when he's acting stubborn like this. I always try not to yell at him, because the last time it happened, I felt so bad for doing it. (I'm referring to the Put it Down episode)

I took a deep breath and sighed. "Mi amor, please just try? You never know. It might work this time."

He looked at me again. "Okay fine. I'll try this once." I gave him the fidget spinner and he started spinning it. He made it go really fast and I smiled at it. 

I put my blue chullo on his head and gave him a forehead kiss. "Better?"

He nodded. "Better."


Ty husband for requesting this. ily. Word count: 437

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