Training Continues

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"Good dawn, may I enter the premises?"

"I understand that you are acquaintances with the executives but I still need to ask."

I'm now standing in front of the gate of The Sky Lord Mansion. It's now the next morning but the roads are still wet after yesterday's downpour. The mud is making it difficult to walk on the road. A slight mistake and you'll fall and embarrass yourself.

"Alright, I'll wait here." I'm feeling happy since the world is also feeling happy. No sadness clouds overhead to darken the situation. The guard nods his head and then walks through the gate. He quickly ran to the door of the Mansion. "Huh?" I was expecting to have to wait for a little bit but the guard returned faster than I anticipated. "So?"

"You may enter." The guard said as he opened the big gate.

"Thank you." I gladly walked into the mansion's front yard. I wonder what my student is doing right now? Getting yelled at by Fluria, I suppose. I keep on walking until I arrive at the front door. I was about to knock on the door but stopped when the door opened up on itself.

"Please come in, Igo." Good morning, Fluria.

"Are you okay? You look tired."

"My apologies for letting you see me in this state." What did my student do to you? Did she throw a temper tantrum all night long or something? "We had quite a number of nobles last night." Ah... I see... I would've thrown them out of my house if I were you. "*Yawn*... Once again, my apologies."

"Ah!! There's no need to worry. I'm not exactly a proper person either." Fluria led me inside the mansion and we both sat down on the sofa. "There's no need to feel ashamed in front of me, Fluria. Trust me, I'm a hundred times much worse than you." I'm not exactly known for being polite and elegant.

"Fufufu~~ We adventurers aren't exactly known for our attitude." I know right!! That's why she shouldn't be so uptight with me since we both are adventurers. "But having some manners isn't that bad either." She is speaking about Yunia, isn't she?

"I think Yunia is perfect as she is."

"The fact that you know who I'm talking about makes me depressed." Ah... sorry... I wasn't trying to. "I'm so sorry about Yunia, Igo. It will definitely be easier on you if Yunia's attitude is much more...polished." That's one way of saying it.

"She can be annoying sometimes but it has been kinda fun teaching her." Plus her body is amazing for the eyes especially when she wears her bikini. "It gives her that sense of uniqueness. If she is as refined as you are then I'll be having a hard time distinguishing both beauties apart."

"Fufufu~~ You shouldn't flirt with an old woman like that, Igo. You deserve someone younger." It depends on the person. Yunia is gorgeous but will cause you headache 24/7 while Fluria is mature with a bombastic body. Maybe I can get both.

"Do you dislike me, Fluria?"

"Quite the opposite, Igo." Oh my~~ So you're saying that I have a chance. "If only I was born later in life, perhaps I wouldn't be so focused on getting stronger."

"Hmm? Are you saying that your past self is similar to Yunia right now?"

"Yes. It's not too far to say that I saw myself in the current Yunia." Fluria wants to get stronger when she is around Yunia's age, huh...

"If I may ask, why do both of you want to get stronger? I mean, I understand from an adventurer's perspective but to push oneself like that... Surely there must be a deeper motivation, no?" All adventurers want to get stronger. Stronger adventurers mean harder quests and harder quests mean bigger profit. Who doesn't want more money?

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