Full Time Job

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During yesterday's fiasco with the Royal Princess, I decided to take Yunia's lesson a lot more seriously. So here I am, the next morning packing my bag with a change of clothes and a metal bottle filled with water. "Mmh..." My plan is to buy some food in the city and take on some extra quest to still gain money while teaching Yunia so that we don't have to return to the city until sunset. Hopefully, Yunia's training can progress more smoothly with me spending more time with her.

"You're awfully lively this morning." Oh hey, Liro.

"You woke up rather early today. Did the bed bug bite?" I woke up like usual at my usual time and if you remember, the other 2 weren't particularly a morning person. "Since the Royal Princess is in town, I have a feeling that things might get more expensive." It's not a surprise or uncommon for merchants and service providers to raise their prices when wealthy people gather around and truthfully, it's not their fault. I would do that too if I was them.

"Sigh... You're right. Buying things will become more of a hussle." Considering that we have to start at the bottom of the caste in adventuring, we're going to need to finish more quests to buy daily necessities.

"That's why I'm going to the union with my 'student' since she is a higher level than me." I don't know specifically what level she is but I bet it is better than a white level. A higher level means a higher pay and I want that at the current moment. We're not exactly in a pinch but there's nothing wrong with having more money, right? "While I'm gone, please make yourself useful."

"Fuck you." I can't be the only one that does my best around here. "Just for your information, there's a lot of nobles that are aiming to marry your 'student'." Not surprising if it was based on Yunia's look alone. They probably would retreat as fast as they can once they know her personality though.

"Sigh... they're going to be disappointed." Speaking from a personal experience of course. "I'll be going now. Tell Ridi to start carrying his own weight for me, will ya?"

"He's going to kick your ass."

"He can try."



"...what are you carrying, teacher?"

"A change of clothes, a bottle, and some food. I'm going to spend the entire day with you." Yunia's face lit up with joy the moment she heard me. Now I sorta understand why she is popular amongst the nobles. Her cuteness is on par with Iris. "While we're at it, let's take some quests from the union. With that, I can get money while you can train with me all day." I think I should stop saying 'training all day'... Yunia's body is shaking like crazy. "Come on, let's go to union and get some quests."


"Quite the impressive pairing we have here." My usual guild receptionist, Vena, commented once she saw both me and Yunia walk into the union together. "Does this have something to do with the Royal Princess, Igo?" She must've heard about what happened yesterday, huh.

"No. I just feel like taking a quest together with her." The Royal Princess has not contacted me since yesterday so this has nothing to do with her. It does make me wonder what she is doing right now, though... "By the way, what level is Yunia?" My student is still busy eyeing the quest board and picking the quests that we'll take.

"She is a blue adventurer." Blue, huh... That's the level directly below red.

"Igo! Igo!!" Vena's BFF suddenly waltzes in and pushes Vena out of the way so that we're facing each other. "Is it true that you and Yunia are in a relationship?" Binti's body language indicated that she was whispering to me but her volume spoke like she was giving a speech. Not the best for the ears when you're at point blank range.

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