Start of Something Troublesome

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"Fuuuhh... Puuuhhhhhh!!!" I forcefully open the last wright mouth and blow a Firebreath down its throat. I keep letting the flame flow out of my mouth until I can't see any kind of movement from the wright. "Puh... Ah... Hah..." I let the wright body fall to the ground as smoke was emitting from its body. Probably cooked the inside of this thing if you ask me. "That should do it. Hey, is there anymore or was this the last one?" I asked the knight that was accompanying me.

"No, I believe that was the last one." He said as he scanned the scenery. "Thank you for the help and quick response."

"Ah, don't worry. Please sign the quest paper for me." I gave him the quest paper and he gladly took it.

"Please follow me to the post and I shall stamp it for you." We both make our way toward his post and when we arrive there, he stamps the quest paper and then signs his name on it. "Here, give that to the official in the union and please send them my greetings."

"Will do!" I grab the paper and stuff it down my pocket. "Well then, goodbye and take care, you guys!" I bid my farewell to the knights that were guarding this post and then activated Gon and made my way toward Linsburg. With each hop that I took, 5 to 10 meters of land was crossed. I'm glad that I developed this technique.




"Guuuhh..." Damn, people are still packing the market for some reason. It's afternoon so the market has large and thin clothes above the market to give the customers and sellers some shade. "Uuuggghh..." I squeeze through these people again and again. I should really seek an alternative route.

"Where's the Sky lord?! I heard she is visiting our town!!" Eh?

"Sky lord had just bought food from that stall over there! Maybe we can see her if we go there!" Sky lord is here? In this town? Why? And why do I feel like I'm about to lose something?

"Hey! This is her smell!! She's been here!!" Holy fuck! I need to get away from these weirdos!! I don't want to get lumped together or even touch their bodies!!

"Go buy out the stall that the sky lord has visited!! I'll pay for all of it!!" Rich merchants and nobles are physically getting involved too?! I had always thought that the majority of them would just send a proxy or something.

"Guh!!" I hurriedly made my way past the walls of moving flesh and I was out of breath after passing through. "Huff... Huff... Huff..." This is far more tiring than fighting the Nagrukrado. I take 5 of those monsters then have to go through that hell again.

I make my way toward the AU building which is also filled with people. This is not the normal crowd as the amount of people quadrupled today's morning. Usually, people come here in the morning or evening but I guess it's different in this continent. Maybe I'll turn the quest in later. Let's go back home and eat the lunch the inn has provided for us.

I walk back to Herald Inn and Xyn immediately greets me. "Welcome back, the lunch is ready in the kitchen. Please use your key to unlock the locker. You can return the used tray and cutlery into the locker."

"Thank you." I wave my hand as I pass Xyn and make my way toward the kitchen. In the kitchen there are lockers with numbers on them, possibly indicating which person they belong to. Let's see... Mine is 34th so I use my key in the keyhole and turn it open. 'Huh..." It did open. Using the same key for your room and locker is smart. "Let's see..." I pull the tray out of the locker. A roasted jubial's leg, bread, a vegetable soup in a bowl, a glass of clear water, and a rapple. Pretty balanced diet.

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