Co-Op Fight

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"I think this is a bad idea." Normally, roars are made to scare things away. It seems it has the opposite effect on these girls as they are encroaching closer toward the sources.

"Come on!! Ya do this everyday, right?! Don't be a coward now." Not with Iris here. I don't want her to get hurt. And it's not like I go to the woods to kill random sarcids. I only do those under union's quests. "Don't ya feel curious as to what make those roars?" No, cause I already know what they are.



"GET DOWN!!" A familiar tail came swinging out of the blue so I did what I could. I jump onto Iris and use my bigger body to protect her. The air was filled with the sound of trees breaking apart and roots being pulled out of the ground. Debris rained on my back from the miniscule to the large. Thank God that the tail didn't pick up any boulder. "Ggghh!!" The place shakes violently as the owner of the tail gets slammed onto the ground.



"Guh..." I carefully lift up my face from the ground to scan the surroundings. It was a wreck with logs sprawling all over the ground and leaves covering the forest ground. "We need to move." I take my chance to retreat while everything seems calm. The keyword there is 'seems' cause no one truly know what the fuck is going on.

"Mhh!!" We have gone too far inside the fighting ring. It has always been a bad idea to get close to sarcids fighting especially if they were powerful ones. I lift Iris's body and bring her away while the other girls follow behind me.


*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*


More and more of the trees around us get toppled down as the fighting continues and eventually reveal the beasts that are currently fighting.


A massive four-legged lizard whose body is covered by bright blue backward-facing scales and powerful wings. A sarcid that fit the traditional description of a dragon, a male furfious. King of the sky. Each continent has their own version of furfious so I wonder what's different about this one. From visual alone, I conclude that this furfious is smaller than the one I've fought before while supporting a much stronger wing muscle. Furfious has several weapons that it can rely on in a fight, its powerful jaw, the club-like thing at the end of its tail, and since it's a male, a powerful fire breathing ability.


On the other side, a sarcid with a body plan of a great ape but having a face of a feline, the Delcatizar. The wandering disaster. Like the furfious, this sarcid also supports wings but it has 2 pairs of wings with large wingspan and extremely built wing muscle. Its body is covered by large thorns except for its underside. The sarcid also possesses several weapons that rightfully give him the title of the wandering disaster. Its powerful arms that could crush iron and rip trees clean off of its roots. Its thorns make it hard to attack this thing while also being able to be detached from the sarcid body and used as deadly projectiles. Its jaws could easily crush bones like they were nothing. It has a long tail that can be used as a whip and make a deadly combination with its thorns.

"Ah shit..." Curse my luck!! Why do I have to deal with these assholes?!?! This is way above my pay!!! "We need to evacuate."

"" I'm going to murder this bitch myself.

"We need to make sure they don't get closer to the main road." Freaking Fluria!! Why do you have to be a responsible adult?!?! Can you not be a bad one for once?

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