Riches Migration

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"The amount of people coming into the city has increased." Liro commented as the three of us looked down toward the main road from his room. It's now nighttime but the amount of people in the street below hasn't decreased at all. In fact, it's quite the opposite. "If I have to guess, most of them must be weather divinity followers." Considering that the person in question will arrive in a week, that's a good guess.

"Downstairs is also rowdy." People are coming in to check in and seek a place to stay so it's no wonder. I think it's our fault for staying in an inn that's so close to the main gate. "Should've stayed somewhere deeper in town." Calm down, Ridi. If you don't want people to come and talk to you then just keep acting like usual.

"Are there any important people that you want to make acquaintances with?" I don't know how things work around here but making a connection with powerful people is a dream that everyone has, especially the nobles. By having a connection to powerful people, nobles could lift up their names amongst their peers and stand out even further than they already are. Another reason is that having connections with powerful people could be a pro0f to the noble social ability. It's easy to make friends with someone on your level but the same thing couldn't be said to someone who's higher than you, both in terms of social status and strength. "I doubt these people would stay here in the city after the weather festival." Does anyone stay after a concert other than the committees?

"I don't know... I need to look at the list of people first."

"This is not only happening on the main gate. People are also coming from the sea." Well, it's a maritime city after all. It would be weird if no one is coming from the sea.

"Yeah... I was busy dealing with increased traffic today." I guess that's why Cyrinus asked for his assistance. "Maybe I can take care of the sea route if any of you can go take care of the land route."

"I can't do that." I don't have any connection with the officials as of now and I doubt they'll just give such an important list to a random adventurer like me.

"Maybe I can." You're working on the dark side, right? I assume people like those have some way to gather confidential information like that. "But I'm probably going to need some money." Well, that's a staple.

"Secure a connection first, I'll do the talking." Liro, Ridi is not me. He can do diplomatic missions just fine. Although not as good as you're nor that much better than me. "We know how Good you're with haggling." That's some thick sarcasm in your voice, buddy.

"Too much talking. Not a lot is being done." That's what haggling is, Ridi. It keeps talking until the price magically drops. "It's better to just threaten them." Alright, now you're speaking my language.

"I share the same sentiment with you but it's our second day here. We still haven't got a good anchor." You with the deep lord's secretary, Ridi with the shadow lord's executive and me with the sky lord. I'm pretty sure we got some good anchors here, buddy. "Igo, how about going around and keeping your ears open? Make sure to pay attention to words that nobles or important people would use." Like 'here, take the chance!', 'Is that all?', 'I'll buy your entire house!', and etc? Sure! More time to play around for me!!

"Hey, you two." Ridi's call us and I turned my head at him. He was sitting there while shaking his phone in his hand. Ah... he wants to have a silent conversation. Hmm... Considering that magic is in the process of making the phone, I wonder if anyone with sufficient enough knowledge could tap in but... I look outside and notice the animal drawn carriage. Yep, not a chance of that happening. Me and Liro brought out our phones and noticed that there's a message on our group chat. It was from Ridi. "Did you find any clue?"

"Not on my end." I replied in text. I haven't found out why I got transported here and who did it. It was still a mystery to me but whoever it was, at the very least the person can do an interplanetary or even interdimensional magic and I haven't found anyone that can even match the amount of mana required to perform that kind of magic. Perhaps one of the lords or divinites here could do it but I need to see them face-to-face to be sure. "You?"

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