Royal Greeting

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"Yeah... Dis both look kinda old to me."

"So their fate has always been death, huh... Either by old age or by the delcatizar."

After the fight, if I even can called it that, our group (mainly the sky lord faction) was asked to accompany the Royal Princess caravan as they make their way toward the Linsburg city. I was about to deny it but sadly, none of the girls shared my thoughts. I don't exactly want to stand out so of course I reluctantly agree and besides, Fluria told me that Virdia had taken our carriage back home with Iris earlier. I could've just run back but the caravan provides us with a carriage that we can use so why not?

"...what are we going to do with them?"

"I want some part of them." There's no way I'm just going to leave empty handed with a furfiousa's head and furfiouse's tail. Furfiousa is a name given to the male furfious while furfiouse is for the female. It's like a lion and lioness. Same species but given different names for the female and male version. "If not, I will tell everyone that Roksy is a freak."

"The fuck do ya have against me?!"

"There's no need, Igo. Everyone already know about Roksy's bad habit."

"Since when?!"

Damn, even Fluria has given up on her lord's image, huh... Kinda sad... Maybe I should take Fluria out for dinner or something. Giving her some time to forget about her freaky lord and headache inducing daughters.

"Don't worry, Igo. I shall make sure you're compensated fairly. You're the main reason we can minimize the damage after all." Considering how bad it could've gone, I think several broken carriages is pretty fair. Especially with 0 death, that's a miracle. Of course there's some people that are heavily injured but no death. "I shall give it to you in the form of money."

"Fine by me."

The caravan keeps on moving and eventually we reach the city. The air was filled with murmurs, whispers, cheers, gasps, and screams as the caravan went down the main road of the city. The sight of the Royal Princess, furfiouse's tail, and furfiousa's head are sure to be something of an attraction so I won't put it to the people of Linsburg for being so loud like that.

"...loud." My student closes both of her ears and closes her eyes. She looks so sad that it makes me want to hug her and console her. I was expecting her to be much more used to this kind of loudness considering how famous she is.

"Hold it for a little bit. We'll reach our home soon." For once, Roksy acts like a proper leader and tries to calm down one of her followers. "Say Igo, if people ask, just say that you're part of us. It'll make things easier and people won't dig in deeper." A proposal which I will gladly accept. I have nothing against giving the sky lord's faction the reputation increase as long as I don't get bombarded with annoying questions.

"As long as I get a piece of whatever the Royal Princess will give to you." They get the reputation, I get the prize.

"Nothing wrong with that."

We eventually reach the sky lord's mansion and the reaction from the members of the sky lord faction are almost as loud and frantic as the other people of Linsburg city. So Roksy rarely ever lets her members hunt the big game, huh... Isn't she an overprotective boss? Yunia wasn't surprised with the furfious which means she had fought one before so it's not like Roksy forbade them to take the quest. It just means that she is selective of who can take the quest.

"Welp, time to get off." With Roksy leading the way, all 4 of us get off the carriage and meet with the people outside.

"I believe you said you were going to train so what is this?" Oh hey Gunfla, nice seeing you again. "Is defeating a pair of furfiouses a part of the training, Igo?"

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