Continue Training

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"...Yawn... Mmmhh~~~"

"Thank you for waiting, we have done the administration on our side and our workers have loaded your carriages with the high quality rapples. I'm sure they'll reach the city safely with the fire princess here."

"Thank you so much." I grab the quest paper from the owner of the rapples orchid owner. "Ah, may I ask about the location of a village? This quest paper said that I should go down the road from your orchid so perhaps you have some advice or special instruction that can help us?" My student min max our quest trip once again and pick another quest that is in the same area.

"Of course, anything for the fire princess." Alright!! Everyone keeps helping the beautiful princess while letting the ugly peasant like me suffer!! Fuck you!! "You can follow the road and you'll reach the village but be careful. In some sections, the road becomes uneven."

"Alright, thank you for the help." I bid farewell to the owner before dragging the sleepy Yunia back into the carriage. She was so adamant on not sleeping before and yet here she is, being all sleepy. "Go get your ass up there and you can sleep again."

"...Yyaaawwwnnn~~ ...Mmmmhh~~" My student climbed back on and immediately went back to sleep. Does she have an off button or something like that?

"Sigh..." I climbed up on the coachman seat and then told the magnoses to start moving. The carriage rocks for a little bit as the magnoses adjust to the new weight that they have to carry before the rocking steady out and we're on our way. Our carriage exited the rapples plantation and rode down the dirt road.

"...teacher..." Hmm? She isn't sleeping? " is the world out there?" The world out there... " does it feel to look at the clear sky?" Clear sky... my face inattentively look up toward the sky and since that's Linsburg is somewhere at the edge of the continent, the sky that I was looking at wasn't blocked by the floating mass of dirt. Although I could still see the blueness of the sky, the floating island does cover a part of it.

"How, huh..." It definitely is not something that you usually think about. It's not everyday I have the consciousness of looking up and thinking about my feelings. "It's vast and blue... I suppose..." I honestly don't know how to answer Yunia's question. For someone who has been living her entire life under a floating island, it must be surreal to live under a clear sky. For me, I adapt easily to my surroundings since it's a must for traveling around the world so the thought of having an island hovering on top of me isn't something that stays inside my mind for too long. "I guess the answer is not something that I could tell you, Yunia, You have to see it on your own."

"...Mmmmhhh..." You're going to need to convince your mom first though and I doubt she'll agree. Not with Yunia's airheadedness. She is just going to get in trouble all the time. "...are you going to stay in Tigrala forever, teacher?"

"No." That answer is without a doubt. Me, Liro, and Ridi will leave this continent once we're done with our business. "I'm not here to stay, Yunia. That won't be called traveling around the world now, doesn't it?" Even if we find what we're searching for here, I doubt it'll be all the puzzle pieces we need. It's always been like that with everything so far.

"...Hmm~ ...You're right. ...Can I join?"

"No." Liro would've thrown her off the very moment she started speaking. "Don't even think about it." It's more likely for me to marry Fluria than for Fluria to get onboard the ship. "If you want to go around the world then do it on your own with your friends." I don't want to instill inside Yunia's mind that she can go around the world alone. Definitely fucking not!!

"...Mmmhh!! ...stingy...!!"




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