Night Strolls

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"Had a day, huh..."


"At least you get some good exercise from it."

I'm back with the boys in my room and by the sound of it, I have the most eventful day. Like usual I guess.

"From today's work, I figured out that the representatives of each lord will arrive tomorrow." Tomorrow will be hell. The main street would be packed to the brim with people far more than today. "Can't figure out who they are though. They're taking the precautions of not letting everyone know who each lord will send."

"We know who the sky lord and the deep lord sent though..." And we have been interacting with them this whole time. "How about the shadow lord, Ridi?"

"He wouldn't be called the shadow lord if foreigners like us can figure it out so easily." Fair point. "I'll keep my ears as wide as I can but I haven't found any more lead."

"What are we going to do with the royal princess though?"

"From the book you gave me, there's some heavy requirements that need to be fulfilled to be able to use the pillar." Is one of them being a noble or something? "We either perform some ridiculous feat so that a divinity takes notice of us or go with a noble who has royal bloodline." The latter one is much easier to do honestly but with delcatizar flying about... Yeah, I don't know how my current self would fare with a delcatizar though. "Where do you say the royal princess will stay, Igo?"

"A hotel called Majorna." It's a massive and luxurious hotel so it's hard to miss and with the security around that place... Yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone knows that the royal princess is staying there. "What are we going to do?"

"Want to visit the hotel?"

"We're going to look suspicious." Not gonna lie but Ridi has a point there, Liro. "Unless The Princess coincidentally looking outside and remember Igo's face." Bitch better be!! If not, it's going to hit my pride. "Igo, how close do you get to the royal princess?"

"Not that close." I was actively trying to stay away from her. "I don't know what kind of person she was." Princesses and Princes live in a very active political environment so it's not unusual to see them grow up slightly different than the normal kids. Kinda sad but that's the price of having the highest privilege in the nation. "I leave that up to you, Liro."

"Sigh... Then let's walk around her hotel. I bet a lot of people are gathering near that place and we might be able to gain some information about her." And I'm pretty sure I see people setting up stalls outside of the hotel for the people that visit the hotel. Well, I should probably say 'walk by' rather than 'visit'. "Don't bring your swords. They'll just cast suspicion on us."

"I'm still going to bring a knife."

"As long as you don't show it then sure."




"Hey, it's nighttime, right?"


"Cool. I guess my eyes weren't deceiving me." The reason as to why Liro was asking that question is because of just how many people are hanging around the Majorna hotel. This is basically a festival on its own. The stalls that were erected were so grand that at this point, I should be calling them stores. "You guys are quick at buying the food."

"Mmmhhmm~~ *Chomp*" As usual, Ridi is eating a handful of diabetes. The bowl cake in his hand has so much sugar in them that it's literally oozing out. The syrup they use as filling is basically a good solid block of pure sweetness. How the fuck is this guy eating that thing without dying is beyond me. "You're not getting any."

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