[Un]Official Business

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"Uuuhh..." The dark sky this dawn hinted at the chance of rain and it finally came down this morning. The rhythm of the rain brought calmness to what is still a crowded city. Even with the sky bombarding them with water, the people of Linsburg are still at large in the street. It's almost as if they haven't noticed that it's raining. The only indication that they're noticing the rain is the umbrella they're using or the raincoats they're wearing. "..." On this kind of day, I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. I could go to the AU and hangout there but I'll probably get bored after the first 20 minutes or so. And it's not like I can bother Vena or Binti the entire day, they have a job to do.

"Are you okay, Igo?" Xyn approaches me with a concerned face. Probably because I was standing near the door looking outside silently.

"Yeah... I just don't know what to do. What do you usually do on rainy days, Xyn?"

"Well... not much. I sometimes like to just sit next to the window and drink sweet hot milk." That sounds nice. "It makes me feel comfy." Yeah I bet. "I can make you some if you want to."

"Thank you but I'm not in the mood." Maybe I should go to the AU afterall. "Well, I'll check on the AU. See you later Xyn!"

"Wait Igo!! You forgot your umbrella!!!"



"Please dry yourself first."

"Sigh... fine..." I was stopped by an AU staff member at the door because I'm completely drenched. "Haah..." I raise the temperature of my body using my magic which makes my clothes dry faster. "Is this dry enough?"

"Yeah. Please come in." After being allowed access, I walk into the building. Understandably, the building was pretty empty. The other adventurers probably think of today as a holiday. We're similar to freelancers if you think about it.

"Ah, Igo!! Welcome!!" It's nice hearing someone welcome you with such a warm and kind tone. Bet this is what a husband feels like when his wife greets him after a long day of work. "How are you doing today?"

"Normal, I suppose." I was wet just a couple of moments ago but not anymore. "So how are things going with the influx of people?" I assume the receptionist of AU is working harder with all of the adventurers flooding into the city. Those adventurers need to work while they're here after all.

"Ahahaha~~ We somehow manage to keep up." That doesn't sound good. If they're having a hard time now then it'll become more hellish the closer we're to the festival. "Don't worry, we have hired temporary staff to make up with the crowd." I guess that should do it for now.

"IGO!!" Binti burst from the back office, zoomed in toward me, jumped over the table, and tackled me. She might have large breasts to dampen the impact but even so it's still hurt like hell. "Come with me!! The guildmaster is searching for you!!" The predator then dragged her prey deeper into her den after she attacked him and caused him massive damage which caused him to be unable to resist. "Guildmaster Durian!! Here's the man!!" The man you're talking about is currently dragging his face on the floor, literally.

"Mister Igo, my apologies but can you stand up?" Can you tell your employee to not tackle me? "There's someone that wants to meet you." Please let someone softer to pick me up next time. Someone like Vena

"Guh... Okay..." I picked myself up from the floor and cleaned my clothes off the dirt and dust. "Alright, who is the person that wants to meet me?" This is now the third time I've been in this office and the last time, an annoying student latched onto me and still has not let me go.

"Good morning, mister Igo." Huh? The one who is talking is the woman who is sitting in front of the guildmaster. She is wearing a brown vest with white shirt underneath that hides her C-cup breasts, long dark brown pants. a pair of white gloves, black cape, black boots, and a sword hair ornament. She has waist long deep blue hair and glossy light blue eyes. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Vultrus Jinsu. I'm here as a messenger of the Tigrala guild parliamentary." Holy fuck!! Someone from the high up!! "It's very much an honor for me to meet you."

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