Chapter 20 - I'm moving back to the UK

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9 June - After Race

Gabriela Senna's POV:

As the race day ended in disappointment for Carlos, his frustration overflowed, spilling out in harsh self-criticism. "I am a fucking shit. A piece of shit," he muttered, his words heavy with frustration.

"Carlos, my love, you're being too hard on yourself. You were amazing all weekend long." I reassured him, trying to calm his escalating emotions.

"Yeah but then I lost two positions in two corners to Stroll and Kvyat. Mierda. Esto es una mierda. ¡Joder! (Shit. This is bullshit. Fuck!)" Carlos was fuming.

"Hey, mate, take it easy. You're making us all anxious," Lando interjected, concern etched on his face.

Caco attempted to offer some solace, handing Carlos a bottle of water. However, Carlos, consumed by his rage, swatted it away, sending water splashing across the floor.

"Okay, mate, calm down. Really! You need to calm down for real. My car caught fire and I DNFd and even I am not that angry." Lando said.

"I just need some space. Please, all of you, just go. I don't want to see or talk to you right now, " Carlos demanded, his voice strained with frustration.

Reluctantly, we left his room, exchanging worried glances as we departed. "He really needs to work on managing his emotions," Lando remarked, his tone reflecting concern.

"I agree. It's not healthy to lash out like that," Caco added, his expression mirroring our shared unease.

"I mean... he has every right to be angry. In the end, he couldn't score any points," I said.

"Yeah he can be angry but he should use this anger to win races not hurt the people who genuinely care about him," Lando said and I nodded.

Lando offered to stay with me, but I declined, assuring him that Carlos would likely calm down soon. A

As Caco and I remained alone in the room, I reassured him that he didn't need to wait any longer. "Caco, you don't have to wait. I can handle it," I insisted, mindful of his time.

But he shrugged it off with a casual smile. "No problem. I can wait."

Insisting that he didn't need to inconvenience himself further, I explained our plan to head to Brazil early. "We were already headed to Brazil. I will ask him if he would like to go today," I assured him.

Understanding my intentions, Caco agreed. "Oh, okay then if that's the plan."

With his departure, I found myself alone once more, waiting for Carlos to emerge from his room. But before I could settle in, my phone rang, and I saw Lance's name flashing on the screen.

"Hi, Lance. Congrats for scoring points," I greeted him warmly.

"Thanks, Gabby. Where are you?" he inquired.

"I'm still at the McLaren hospitality," I replied.

"Oh, okay. Are you guys coming with us?" Lance asked, curiosity tinting his tone.

"I'm afraid we'll be heading to Brazil early," I informed him, masking the concern in my voice.

His sharp instincts caught the slight shift in my demeanor. "Are you alright? You sound a bit worried," he observed, prompting me to put on a more cheerful facade.

"No, no. I'm fine. Just my grandpa called. He said he wanted to see me earlier if that's possible," I explained, hoping to allay any concerns.

"Okay then. But we're planning to go out and celebrate. So, I guess... see you in France?" Lance suggested, his tone lightening the mood.

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