Chapter 11 - You know Lewis, right?

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After the Russian Grand Prix, Carlos and Gabi's phone calls ended. Gabi did not want to bother Carlos while he was having a really busy schedule with all the races and now the injury. She decided she wanted to surprise him by showing up at the Brazilian GP. However, there was one thing she didn't know. Carlos' friend from high school showed up at his hospital after his crash. Her name was Isa. She had a crush on Carlos during high school and Carlos never cared about her. However, she was always around. Also, her family was friends with the Sainz family so, they were family-bounded. She was showing up at their house every weekend. She was trying to come to Carlos' races. She was basically trying to win a spot in Carlos' heart for the longest time. When she saw Carlos crashing into barriers on TV, she decided to fly all the way to Russia to be next to him. She never left his side and she joined him on the next race. It was in Austin, Texas. They traveled all the way to the United States. One night, Isa couldn't resist the thought of just being friends with Carlos, so she opened up to him about his feelings. Carlos felt somewhat obliged to be her boyfriend at that moment. So, also said he had feelings for her. But, that did not happen until the end of Abu Dhabi. So, even during the Brazil race weekend, they were traveling as two friends. Actually, Carlos liked being accompanied by someone because his parents were not able to come to the races out of Europe at that time because apparently his dad was a rally driver and his mom needed to take care of his other sister.

Gabriela got on the plane on the 12th of November on Thursday. She planned to get a good night's sleep that night and the next day she was gonna surprise Carlos. However, as soon as she arrived home, the magazine news was playing on the TV. Her grandma loved the magazine. Since the F1 race was the most important thing that was happening in Brazil that weekend, all the magazine program objectives were drivers and their private lives. 

Gabriela's heart sank as she watched the TV screen, her eyes fixed on the image of Carlos Sainz standing beside the blonde girl, Isa. The magazine news program speculated about their relationship, but neither confirmed nor denied the rumors. A pang of betrayal mingled with hurt surged through Gabi's chest, threatening to overwhelm her. She felt like a fool for believing in something that never truly existed. She was really mad at herself as well. Why did she travel all the way to Brazil for just a man whom she met like 2 months ago?

Sitting next to her grandma on the couch, Gabi struggled to process the flood of emotions coursing through her. What kind of fool had she been to travel all the way to Brazil, only to discover that the man she had hoped to surprise was already entangled with someone else? Her mind raced with questions, doubts, and a growing sense of anger directed both at Carlos and at herself.

As she wrestled with her conflicting feelings, Gabi attempted to find a silver lining amidst the heartache. She reminded herself of the precious time she could spend with her grandparents, the warmth of their embrace, and the familiarity of home. Despite the crushing disappointment, she clung to the hope that family bonds could offer solace in the midst of romantic turmoil.

Gabi's thoughts drifted to the realization that perhaps her journey to Brazil held significance beyond her initial intentions. It was a stark reminder of the unpredictability of life and the complexities of human relationships. Though bruised and disillusioned, she resolved to cherish the moments of connection and love that awaited her in the embrace of her family.


"Oh, Gabi! I'm so glad you are here. We will go watch the F1 weekend together as a family. It will be great" Gabi's grandpa said.

"Vovô, não. I will not come."

"Didn't you come here for the race weekend?" Grandma asked.

Everyone was clearly confused.

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