Chapter 8 - Does she still have feelings for him?

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Carlos Sainz's POV:

I couldn't shake off the unease that settled within him after the dinner conversation. "Who is this Chris guy?" The question lingered in my mind, stirring a curiosity that demanded answers. While Gabriela worked on her architectural drawings in the living room, I delved into the depths of the internet, seeking clues about her past.

I knew it. They dated during high school and they made it to the paper because both of their parents are famous people. It is a London gossip page about socialites. His dad's name is Daniel Livingston he is an American lawyer and he owns a big law firm in New York. His mom is Julia Roberts, a very famous British actress. They were divorced when Christopher was 4 years old and the court decided for him to stay with his mother. I have to ask Gabi about him. Why does she avoid talking about him? Does she still have feelings for him?

As I was closing the webpage I saw another piece of news about Gabriela: "The legend F1 driver Ayrton Senna's only daughter Gabriela Senna (20) and the owner of Ruffer LLP Company, Arthur Ruffer's son Dominic Ruffer (39) has made their first public appearance as a couple in last night's McLaren Gala. The news date was 9 December 2014. The other news headline was "Was Gabriela Senna the cause of the break up of the power couple: Sophia Green and Dominic Ruffer"

Oh my god, I cannot believe my eyes. What is this news? We obviously need to talk through these things with Gabriela. I went to the living room and said: "Gabriela can we talk?"

"Of course, my love. What's up?" Her voice was warm, but there was an undercurrent of tension in the air.

"You may find it strange, but when I heard about Chris, I felt something was wrong. You became disturbed when Lance mentioned his name as a sponsor. So, I decided to search for him on the Internet." Carlos paused, searching for the right words.

"What did you do?" She seemed alarmed, her eyes wide with concern.

"You are again overreacting when his name is mentioned!"

"Yes, I am because he is a dickhead and an asshole."

"What did he do to you? How did he break your heart?"

"Okay, I'm gonna tell you all about him once and for all."

"Okay, I'm listening." I braced myself for her response.

"You remember that I told you we were a gang with James, Lily, Sarah and Chris?"


"So, during the summer break after middle school, I realized I had feelings for him and he also had feelings for me so we started dating. He went to Switzerland with his dad for the Christmas holiday in 10th grade. We thought it was a regular holiday that his dad took him to but we were wrong. His dad took him to Switzerland to show him the boarding school he was gonna continue his education next year. When we were back from Christmas he told me he was gonna leave. He also told me that it was not gonna matter because he would come back to the UK every holiday and call me whenever he had time. His plan was to study there in the last two years of high school and do IB there and come to the UK for college. We spent that summer together with our gang. We went to Brazil, Los Angeles, Miami and New York. We said our goodbyes at the airport. However, while we were saying our goodbyes he told me to never call him or send a letter. He said he wanted to focus on his academics while he was in Switzerland. He decided to break up with me there and I started crying like a maniac. I was literally begging him with saying "No, we can make this work. Don't give up on us." But it didn't matter to him. I did not matter for him. At that exact time, our relationship ended. As he said so I never contacted him and he never reached out to me. I just heard how he was doing through James but he didn't speak to James a lot. We heard from the newspaper that he got into Harvard to study law to work in his father's law firm in NY. His father's family told his mom and dad when they were getting married that it wasn't gonna work out but they married nevertheless. It actually didn't work out they divorced when Chris was little so his mom raised him in the UK. His dad just sent money but he never came to check on him until Chris got into middle school. I guess he planned to have an heir who would look after the firm. During middle school, his accent was always changed when he came back from the US but he always soon adapted. However, in high school, he learned to switch between accents and he was good at it. Anyway, that does not matter. So we still don't have any idea how he is except for that one news headline that we saw that his father made him the boss of the firm and he was doing a good job with his cases."

"Do you still have feelings for him?"

"Of course no, Carlos. He is my first heart brake so he is a sensitive topic for me so this is why I get disturbed when someone mentions his name."

"I'm gonna be honest with you Gabriela when I was looking at Chris and news about you two but your other relationship caught my attention."

"Is it Dominic?"


When I broached the subject of Dominic, Gabriela's reaction was noticeably different. There was a hesitation in her voice, a guardedness that hinted at unresolved feelings and unspoken truths. It was a stark contrast to her candidness about Chris, leaving me wondering about the secrets she harbored about her past relationships.

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