Chapter 4 - a change is good to keep moving

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Carlos Sainz's POV:

As Gab led me into one of the guest bedrooms, my gaze fell upon a heartwarming image adorning the wall – Gab standing beside her grandparents, her smile radiating genuine warmth.

"Are they your grandparents?" I inquired, struck by the familial bond captured in the photograph.

"Yeah, they are. This is actually their room most of the time because they like to visit me quite often," she explained, her voice tinged with fondness.

"That's sweet. I bet you miss them a lot," I remarked, empathizing with the sentiment of familial connection.

"Yes. And actually, my grandpa was expecting me to go back to Brazil to start up my own architecture firm. He was really shocked when I told him I wanted to do my masters here in Barcelona. I felt like I needed to be here. I don't know how to describe it but I had a feeling that I needed to live in Barcelona for some time," she shared, her words imbued with a sense of purpose.

"Barcelona is a really great city, but I prefer Madrid," I confessed with a grin.

"I also like Madrid but Barcelona is more lively," she countered, defending her chosen city with a hint of playful banter.

"You know what? You can be right. But don't tell anyone," I teased, enjoying the easy camaraderie between us.

"Promise," she replied, sealing our lighthearted exchange with a smile.

As we settled into the cozy room, I felt a wave of comfort wash over me. There was something profoundly serene about being in Gab's home, surrounded by memories and the palpable love of her family.

"Do you like the UK?" Gab asked, her eyes bright with curiosity.

"Yes. I mean... it is fine. I live in Woking near the McLaren headquarters. It makes my job a whole lot easier. Sometimes a change is good to keep moving," I responded, contemplating the balance between familiarity and novelty.

"When we first moved to the UK when I was 7 I cried during the whole flight from São Paulo. I really liked our home back in Brazil and all of my cousins were our neighbors. We were living in my grandparent's house with my mom. We were living with my grandparents because after my father passed away, my mom had a difficult time accepting the fact that he was gone. So, she needed to take some time for her mental health. That time we moved in with my grandparents. It was amazing because the house was always full of people. My cousins, aunts and uncles were visiting us all the time. I was never alone." she said.

As Gab shared her childhood memories of Brazil, I listened intently, drawn into her world of vibrant family gatherings and cherished moments. Her vulnerability touched me as she spoke of her father's absence and the close bond she shared with her grandparents.

"It must've been hard to leave Brazil and your extended family back there," I empathized, acknowledging the depth of her loss.

"Yes, I was devastated," she admitted, her voice tinged with emotion. "My grandparents also flew with us from Brazil to the UK to adjust our house and to enroll me in my school. They were planning to stay just for two weeks but I didn't want them to leave so they had to stay for two months in London with us. We moved into my father's house in London. The house had some belongings of my dad that I'd never seen before  – special edition helmets and posters. I really liked meeting another version of my dad." She said, her eyes grew teary as she spoke.

"Did you adapt to British life quickly?" I inquired, curious about her adjustment process.

"Actually, on the first day of school, I was lucky that the teacher made me sit next to Lily. She was the first person to ever speak to me at the school. It was everyone's first day so all of us were nervous and feeling strange. I remember telling her all about Brazil and she listened to me really carefully. Then, she told me about her life. That way we became best friends. Then I met with Sarah in the music class. She was also playing the piano so we bonded over that. I met James in the art class he also liked drawing but I had a passion for drawing old historical buildings and buildings in general. He mostly liked oil paintings. Then, James introduced me to Chris. I also became friends with Chris. Lily and Sarah's parents were friends. So, they already knew each other. Thus, we became some sort of a gang in a short time and started to hang out together. " she answered.

"They all sound like amazing people. I would want to get to know them sometime. Hopefully," I remarked, intrigued by the prospect of meeting Gab's childhood friends.

"Yes, of course. Except for Chris, they all live in London now. When you come to London, I would like you to meet them as well. They are all cool people. You will get along well," she assured me, her warmth evident in her invitation.

"Where is Chris? Like, I mean, what is he doing now?" I asked, noting Gab's omission of details about her former friend.

"He's living in New York, we heard he was working in a law firm. We are no longer close to him," she replied tersely, a hint of discomfort coloring her tone.

"I'm sorry that you're no longer close friends with him," I offered, sensing the underlying complexity of their relationship.

"Don't be sorry. It was his decision at the end of the day," she responded, her words tinged with finality.

Well, that was an awkward answer but I'm not gonna question it since it's really late and we are half drunk.

The clock on the wall blinked at 3 a.m., a stark reminder of the late hour.

"Actually, it's getting pretty late. We should get some sleep now," she suggested, breaking the silence.

"Oh my, yes you're right," I replied, realizing the lateness of the hour.

"Good night, Carlos," she said softly, her words laced with warmth.

"Night, Gab," I responded, feeling a sense of gratitude for her companionship.

As I drifted into sleep, thoughts of our earlier conversation resurfaced, lingering in the depths of my mind. Gab's revelation about coming to Brazil for me sparked a flurry of questions and emotions. She came to Brazil for me... To watch me race but why didn't she show up? Did she also like me back in the day? Was there a missed opportunity between us? Isa and I were just friends during the Brazilian GP in 2015. She just made herself be invited there and I couldn't decline her because we were childhood friends. If I knew Gab was in Brazil, I would definitely drop everything and tell her my real feelings about her. If only I had known, perhaps things would have turned out differently. Recalling that GP, I couldn't shake the feeling of regret.  But hindsight is a cruel companion, and the past remained unchanged.

Despite the turmoil of my thoughts, sleep enveloped me like a warm embrace, easing the weight of the day's events. I wasn't expecting to doze off that fast. Like not after seeing that Isa was cheating on me. Gab's presence, both physically and in memory, brought a sense of solace, allowing me to drift into slumber with a newfound sense of peace.

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