Chapter 6 - You sure nothing is wrong?

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16th of May

Carlos Sainz's POV:

We came here on Monday and now it is Thursday but we were never alone. We were always doing something as a family. When we finally got the time to be alone, she was working on her computer. Drawing projects and managing her work. So, I made a little plan. I talked to Ana and my parents. The plan is that they will pretend to have some emergency back home to leave today. So, we will have alone time with Gab before going to Monaco.

"Buenos días, familia," I greeted as I took my seat beside Gab at the breakfast table.

"Buenos dias. How'd you sleep?" My mom asked.

"Pretty well. Stepping away from the world of Formula 1 for a bit has been refreshing," I replied.

"Today, why don't we head to the golf club and play a few rounds, Carlitos?" suggested my dad.

"I'm up for it," I agreed.

"We'll be back before dinner, hopefully," my dad added.

"I didn't see you when I woke up. Did you go for a run?" Gab whispered to me.

"Yeah, got up early for a quick run and workout," I whispered back.

"Oh, got it," she nodded.

"You're working hard. I mean you sleep late at night." I whispered to her.

"Yeah, got some projects due by Friday, but I'll wrap them up while you're at golf, and then I'll have some free time," she explained.

"Sounds like a plan," I nodded.

After breakfast, we spent a brief moment in the garden before my dad and I headed out.

"When we are back from the golf, I will pretend like I got a call from Audi. I will say something like they need me for testing. Then, we will leave. If that's okay with you as well?" My dad asked me.

"Yes, papa thank you so much. She said to me that she will finish off her project while we are at golf and after that, she will have some free time."

"Perfect timing indeed," he nodded.

We had a fun game of golf, and, unsurprisingly, I emerged victorious. 

Liked by Lando Norris, Gabriela Senna, Ana Sainz

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Liked by Lando Norris, Gabriela Senna, Ana Sainz

Carlos Sainz: Another day, another win. It was nice playing with you, papa :)

Lando Norris: Mate, you need to watch me closely next time we play. You're not standing right.

Gabriela Senna: ❤️

Fanaccount: Guys did you see Gabriela Senna's comment? They are for sure dating.

Fanaccount134: They are dating. Didn't you see the paparazzi photos of them at the airport?

We returned home in time for lunch and gathered around the table in the garden to enjoy our meal. As we ate, my father's phone rang, prompting him to excuse himself from the table to take the call. When he returned, he relayed the fabricated emergency regarding his rally car, explaining that they needed to return to Madrid.

"Papa, I'll come with you, if that's alright. I miss my fiancé so much," Ana chimed in.

"Of course, dear. You're welcome to join us. Let's get packed and ready to go," my father agreed.

"I hope everything's alright with the car," Gab expressed her concern, furrowing her brows slightly. She looked worried but I couldn't quite understand why.

"Don't worry, my dear. It's likely just routine testing," my father reassured her.

They quickly packed their belongings and departed, leaving Gab and me alone in the living room watching a movie.

"You sure nothing is wrong?" she asked.

"What? What is wrong?" I answered.

"Your dad's car..."

"What about it?"

"I don't know maybe it is my past trauma showing. But you're dad is a race car driver and issues about the cars are not good to hear."

"Don't worry, they're just tuning it up. They do this every year."

"Oh, I'm relieved now."

"Yeah, Gab no worries."


"Yes, my love"

"My grandpa called today, asking where I am and who I'm with, you know, the usual questions."

"I see. What did you tell him?"

"I said I was in Mallorca with friends."

"So, you didn't mention me."

"Carlos, I can't exactly drop the bomb over the phone. He's old, and he'll be eager to meet you the moment I spill the news."

"Then I will meet."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. You've met my family and friends; it's only fair I meet yours. I want to get to know your world."

"Okay. How about after the Canadian Grand Prix, we head to Brazil directly? You'll meet everyone—my mom, grandparents, cousins, and Bruno. Then, we can go to the French GP. There's some downtime between them."

"You've already got the calendar figured out. I like it," I chuckled.

"So... is that a yes?"

"Of course, it's a yes. It means you'll be with me for at least a month from now."

"I suppose so. Is that too much?"

"No, never. I always want you by my side. But what about work?"

"I've been thinking about that. I'm constantly consumed by work. It's time I prioritize my own architectural firm. I'm thinking of resigning. Traveling will give me the space to focus on it."

"Well, that sounds great."

"I finished up my last project today, so I'm ready to submit my resignation."

"Perfect. We can relax for a few days before heading to Monaco."


After watching some movies and having dinner, we turned in for the night.

The next morning, I woke up before Gab and squeezed in a quick workout session. When I returned, she was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

"Good morning," she greeted cheerfully.

"Morning, my love."

"Come eat. I made some avocado toast."

"I'll be there in a minute."

"Mi amor, did Lawrence arrange a hotel room for you? Or are you staying with me?" I inquired.

"I forgot to mention. We can stay at our house in Monaco."

"Yes, why not. But I have a question. Is this the iconic house of Ayrton Senna we're talking about?"

"Yes, it is," she confirmed with a smile.

"Oh my god. I cannot believe it. Sorry, I'm fanboying again."

"No, no that's okay to be excited. I always get excited when I'm going to Monaco. When my dad first bought the house he and my mom stayed there for a bit. As a matter of fact, I was born in this house. However, now I sometimes go there in the summer. It's a beautiful place. You will like it."

"I'll be seeing your childhood home. I'm even more excited now," I beamed with excitement.

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