Chapter 21 - I hope he's my final destination

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Gabriela Senna's POV:

"Gabriela, your aunt and cousins are here," Maria called out to me from the hallway as we were intertwined with Carlos under the sheets, completely naked.

"Got it, will be downstairs in a few minutes,"I called back, feeling a mix of excitement and slight panic.

"Fuck," Carlos muttered.

"Hey, it's the reality of doing it in a crowded family house," I said, scrambling to get dressed.

"You gotta pay back at night, then, mi amor," he said with a mischievous grin.

"Don't worry." I said, smirking back as I tossed his clothes to him. "Come on, get dressed."

"As you wish," He said and quickly get dressed.

We were heading down stairs hand in hand. It was a very weird feeling because he is literally my first official boyfriend that I brought to Brazil and now we are having dinner with him and with my whole family. Yes, I know I also brought Chris and Matt here but they were my friends at that time. So, that ones do not count.

As soon as I spotted Bruno, I let go of Carlos' hand and practically leaped into my cousin's arms for a hug.

"Ninooo, I missed youuu." I exclaimed, squeezing him tightly.

"Me too, Ella, me too. And so much." He said. Ella was the nickname my dad and uncle used to call me as well. According to the things that my grandma told me as a child I only let my uncle and Bruno call me 'Ella' after my dad passed away. If anyone other than these two tried to call me 'Ella', I was starting to cry. Now, only Bruno calls me that.

Then, I hugged Bianca and Paula. They are also my cousins but they always have lived in Brazil so, I see them when I come to Brazil. However, Bruno was living in the UK at the same time as we did so I grew up being much more closer to him.

"Tia Viv," I exclaimed as I hugged her. She promptly burst into tears at the sight of me.

"Minha Gabyzinha, look at you all grown up and bringing your boyfriend to your home to meet your family." She said and started to cry as if it was my wedding.

Then, Carlos met everyone one by one and we moved out to the garden because Avô was giving us a BBQ show. Andre immediately recruited Carlos and Bruno for a quick football match. Carlos playing football with my little brother is the cutest thing I must admit. He would be a really good dad one day, I thought to myself. I was honestly liking to see him interact so well with Andre. This is the best view.

"Someone is really really in love," Paula said as she was sitting next to me.

"Maybe," I said as I turned my focus from the love of my life to my cousin.

"He is getting along well with Andre and Bruno. They seem like having fun." 

"You think, my dad would have liked him... You know if he ever got to chance to meet Carlos?" I asked suddenly, my thoughts drifting to my late father.

"Definitely," Paula said without hesitation. "Your dad adored you, and anyone who makes you happy would have had his seal of approval."

"Yeah, I think so too," I said, feeling reassured.

"So, how's everything going with you two?" Paula asked, turning the conversation back to us.

"Good, we're still figuring things out and getting to know each other's nature and everything," I said.

"Gabriela, when I saw you coming down those stairs with Carlos, it was like seeing you at your happiest. I mean... it was the happiest I've seen you all my life. You are happy. He's your happiness." She said as I glanced over at Carlos, who was laughing as he chased after Andre.

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