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                     AUTHOR'S POV

"Where is she, Maa?" He asked controlling his temper.

He was loosing his cool to the point where he wanted to hurt someone, anyone.

"Free from your clutches." Asha spoke bravely and in a mocking manner.

She hated to accept this fact but she was scared of her own son. He was looking like a mess. His eyes were red and anger was clearly evident in them.

"What are you saying?? She was locked in the room." He finally lost his cool.

Asha gave him a smile and sat on the sofa.

Her happy face did nothing but fueled his anger. He came home and decided to pay her a visit, to remind her how badly he will continue to destroy her..but found the room empty.

"I helped her." Asha declared making him greet his teeth in anger.

Shourya started taking deep breaths to calm himself. He didn't want to do anything in anger which he will regret later. He had to remind himself that the woman sitting before him was his own mother.

"Listen, Maa. Just tell me where the fuck is she and I promise I will be gentle....otherwise, she will suffer worst because of you."

His words sent shivers down her spine. She felt scared, indeed but didn't let her guards down.

Though, the thought of him finding about Pari was scaring her but another side was relieved that the girl was finally free from his cage.

She believed in the almighty.

"Sir, someone is here to meet you."

A guard came to inform him making him pinch the bride of his nose in anger.

"Send him away."

"Sir, he is saying he wants to tell you about...Adh-hya di-idi."

Shourya froze hearing the name of his dead sister. Asha's eyes instantly filled with tears and she stood on her feet.

"Send him in." She ordered the guard quickly.

His heart was thumping wildly inside his chest. He didn't know who was here to meet him and talk about Adhya.


He turned around hearing a masculine voice.

He didn't recognise the boy standing before him. He had never seen him before. He knew all friends of Adhya and this boy was not one of them.

"Who are you?" He asked sternly.

"Rag-ghav..Raghav Chaudhary." The boy replied.

Raghav was shaking while standing in front of the family of the girl he raped brutally.

He thought he could get away easily after doing a sin. But since that day, he didn't get an ounce of sleep or peace. His influential father succeeded in hiding his crime from the world but his own guilt couldn't allow him to do so.

He knew his professor hung himself after being accused of the crime he didn't commit and that added to his guilt.

He finally decided to confess everything that too in front of her brother.

"I...I loved Adhya.." He started after staying silent for few minutes.

His head was down as he was not able to meet the eyes of her brother and her mother.

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