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Tell me one thing, is the book going good? Or is it getting boring? Idk, I am confused.

Also, I asked you whose POV you wanna see in the next chapter and you guys voted equally for Agastya and Pari. So, I wrote both their POV's. Enjoy ❤️

                  AGASTYA'S POV

The warm rays of sunlight fell over her face as soon she stepped in the balcony. Her lips parted slightly in utter suprise as she looked at the beautiful view before her.

The morning was cold..no it was chilly. It was foggy still she could see the sun peeking through the dews and dark clouds in the sky. The lake was looking extremely beautiful because of the sunrays falling over the water, making it look more shiny and glassy.

A blissful smile covered her lips as she heard chirping of birds. Her gaze roamed around the wide area which was covered with hotels and hills.

She could see few tourists enjoying the morning view.

That's it!!!

She realised they had made the right decision to visit Udaipur. She was badly missing the sun and the warmth mixed with coldness.

Not that the sun doesn't rise in Manali, it does. But during winters people sometimes gets tired of seeing only fog, snow and dark clouds lingering in the sky.

She wanted to do a happy dance. Last night, she slept peacefully and didn't even wake up in the middle of the night as she usually does. Firstly, they both were too tired and secondly she was liking the room temperature.

In Manali, she or Agastya always wakes up in the middle of the night or just before the dawn because of coldness. They need almost two blankets to keep their bodies warm.

Let's not talk about the warmth they both get from each other's body.

But here, the temperature was just perfect. They slept with one big blanket only.

Her smile vanished and a frown appeared on her face.

They are on their honeymoon and her husband was still sleeping.

So, what if it was only six thirty in the morning.

"You are missing so many things, Agastya." She muttered entering inside their room.

There, his big frame was sprawled on the bed sleeping without any care of this world.


"Agastya, wake up!" Pari said shaking his arm which was wrapped around the pillow on which she was sleeping.



She sighed sitting on the bed, beside him. She tried moving his huge arm but failed and became a panting mess.

What does this man eat???



She ignored the butterflies in her stomach doing a flip, hearing his morning voice.

"What?" He asked turning to face her.

His eyes were still half opened and hair was a mess but still he managed to look hot.


Not hot...drool worthy is the word.

Suddenly, she found it hard to look at him. She was asking for his attention and now when he was finally awake and was looking at her, she started roaming her gaze everywhere around the room but him.

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