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A/N - I know some of you will ignore this note but anyways, I don't know why but few readers think it's easy to write stories. Like they don't acknowledge the investments we make while writing a story. Yes, I am talking about silent readers and the ones who comment only when I make a grammatical error. Seriously, guys? Can't you just appreciate someone's effort? I am so grateful to those who give their feedbacks on every chapter. You guys are the sole reason why I am writing this book. My daily motivation.

But silent readers, you guys really know well how to break someone's will and demotivate them. Good job!!!

Enjoy the update.

                       PARI'S POV

The sobs had died down somewhere between seeing her body collapsing in front of me and rushing her to the hospital.

There was this strange numbness, heaviness inside me. My head was throbbing painfully but the pain still could not match the ache I was feeling inside my chest. In that organ which has been crushed badly after witnessing the most horrifying scene before me.

When Maa died, I was so young. I don't even remember her last rites. Just few blurry images of her, laying on that thin white sheet, dolled up as a beautiful bride. At that time, I couldn't really grasp what has happened to her.

I was calling her continuously that at some point I even started crying when she didn't respond. I remember Papa gathering me in his arms and whispering things in my ear till I dozed off.

That's it!

I don't remember what happened next that day or the day that followed. Life became normal again with Papa by my side.

When Papa died, I was a teenager. The cops told me he died of an accident. The body was so bad that they didn't let me see him for the last time.

I felt worse but somewhere I am glad they didn't. Otherwise, I would have died then and there.

The only guardian I have after my parents is now inside the operation theatre, dealing with the disease I absolutely despise.

When did she get it?

Where was I when she was suffering?

I still couldn't erase the image of her collapsing in front of us, from my mind. I was too numb to move. My gaze was stuck at her pale, lifeless face. Her body which has become thin like a stick.

I got my senses back only when my husband shook me and called my name numerous times.

Letting out a sigh, I closed my eyes leaning against the wall. There was this fear growing inside me rapidly. A familiar one. Fear of losing my loved one, again.

Can I bear another loss? Absolutely not.

My whole body shook vigorously at the mere thought. Fresh set of tears started gliding down my cheeks, making my vision blurry.

I will break completely if I lose her. She has already suffered a lot because of me and when finally...finally everything was falling at place. When finally I was happy in my life and wanted to share this happiness with her, this happened.

She knew it since the begining, didn't she? She is damn good actor I must say. She beautifully hid her disease from me.

I know, Maasi why you did this and I am not gonna forgive you so easily.

A large, warm hand engulfed my shaky one. Squeezing it tightly before intertwining our fingers together.

The touch sent a sense of relief. A sense of belonging and a sense of warmth inside me.

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