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                  AUTHOR'S POV

A gush of strong wind passed through her petite form. The trembling of her legs didn't stop her from moving forward.

The toe curling pain in her stomach made her yelp. Small pebbles pierced through her soles. However, she kept running without looking back.

Keep running.

Keep running.

She told herself.

The loud creaking of boots got mixed with the chirping noise. The footsteps were following her more fastly now.

A scream escaped her throat and the next moment she found herself kissing the dried leaves on the ground....

"NOOOOOO" a heart wrenching yelp left her mouth as she jolted up on the bed.

Sweat trickled down her forehead, wrenching the upper part of her night dress. She started taking deep breaths, her heart beat was audible and was echoing in the silent room.

She ran her fingers through her hair, tying them in a tight bun.

"Om Namah Shivaya"

"Om Namah Shivaya"

She kept chanting the mantra of Lord Shiva to overcome her fears.

It has became a daily routine for her. These nightmares are not new but she has still not gotten habituated to these.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips when she found her heart rate slowly getting back to normal. Removing the duvet from her body, she placed her shaky feet on the cold floor.

Sweat beads vanished from her forehead when the cold breeze caressed her face. It was raining cats and dogs outside.

The weather of Manali is getting colder day by day.

A breathtaking view of the big mountains, were visible through her window. Though, the mountains were not clear because of the fog and darkness of the night.

Howling of wolves made her shiver a bit. But, they were still better than her nightmares.

Unknowingly, the tip of her index finger touched her cheek making it wet. She scowled wiping the single tear which successfully escaped her eye.

A pain filled smile made it's way to her lips as she gazed at the wetness around her index finger.

"Are you watching me?" A mere whisper left her lips as she looked up at the sky. "Can't you just end my pain? I-it's ge-etting unbea-arable n-now" her voice broke at the end.

She quickly covered her mouth by her palm as hiccups erupted from her throat.

"Pl-lea-ase sa-ave me fr-rom th-hese nig-ghtmares" she begged still looking at the dark sky.

Tears slipped from the corner of her eyes. The tip of her nose became red. The bags under her eyes were prominent.

She was looking miserable.

After crying her heart out, she sat on the floor and kept her head on the foot of her bed.

Her eyes were burning and because of that, soon sleep engulfed her.


"Breakfast is ready, Pari" she smiled hearing the woman who called her from downstairs.

"Mhmmmm. Smells delicious" Pari said looking at the dinning table.

She quickly hugged the old lady before placing a kiss on her cheek. The lady smiled at her warmly and patted her head.

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