Hard to get- AR

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[ Characters from teenage love just different storyline ]

I'm enjoying my time at my new club, Arsenal. The girls have been very welcoming, expect one person, and helped me out getting settled in.

I've made close friends with Leah Williamson and Beth Mead, quickly forming a trio days after I joined.

One girl who i haven't got to know yet is Alessia Russo, since i've arrived at Arsenal she hasn't said a word to me, i've seen her glancing at me during training or around the training ground but yet she doesn't speak to me.

After a hard training session I decided that I would go up to Alessia and talk to her.

" 'Ello nice you meet you, my names Alex" I said holding my hand out to shake hers

Alessia didn't give me the time of day.

"I know who you are, I don't want anything to do with you" Alessia scoffed before walking away from me

I knew what she was talking about, she was talking about my reputation.

I'm known for sleeping about, i'm not proud of it.

I sighed and made my way over to Leah and Beth

"Better luck next time mate" Leah teased me, pulling me into a headlock

Beth burst out laughing while I rolled my eyes

New task, get Alessia to like me.

"Morning Alessia" I said smiling as she walked into the changing rooms

"Morning Turner" She mumbled back and saying my last name, ouch

"How's your morning?" I asked as she carried on walking to her locker

"Bad now i'm talking to you" she mumbled, just loud enough so I could hear

She soon got pulled into a conversation with Pelova, leaving me with my thoughts

How could I win her over?

"I give up" I huffed as I sat down next to Leah and Beth

"Alessia still giving you a hard time?" Beth said with a smirk

"Yeah I don't even know why" I sighed

"It's because she's cautious of your reputation" Leah explained

"I haven't slept with anyone since I met her!" I defended myself

"She doesn't know that" Beth shrugged

"No point trying anymore, nothing is going to change" I sighed as I went on my phone

"Alessia" I nodded as I got into the pool

"Turner" Alessia said back, still referring to my last name

"My name is Alex if you didn't know" I said angrily

"I know" Alessia gave me an over friendly smile, clearly trying to get under my skin

It was silent for a little while before I spoke up

"Why don't you like me?" I said

"Because I don't" Alessia shrugged

"Good reason that" I scoffed

"You know why I don't like you" Alessia rolled her eyes

"But how does that stop us being friends? it's not like i'm gonna jump into your pant is it?" I scoffed

"You might try knowing your reputation" Alessia said

"Oh fuck off Alessia" I scoffed getting out the pool and leaving the room

"Need any help?" I asked as I walked past Alessia in the car park, just finishing training and about to head home

"Nope" Alessia said as she struggled with her tyre

"Oh sorry will my reputation cause a problem while I try help you" I scoffed as I walked away

Just as I got to my car I heard Alessia sigh and shout my name

"Will you help me?" she sighed

I gave her a teasing pointed look as I walked over

"Please" She said rolling her eyes

"Hmm better" I said as I started on fixing her tyre

"Done" I said standing up

"Thank you" Alessia said, being the most serious i've seen her since i've joined

"No problem" I said brushing my hands off and walking over to my car, saying bye and driving off

I think i'm catching feelings for Alex and it's so annoying, she's got a bad reputation and I don't want to fall for someone like her.

Maybe i'm being harsh but something about her tells me she's bad news.

"Heard you've been giving Alex a hard time" Leah said

"I get it lessi, I truly get why" Leah added

I sighed out of relief, happy she wasn't having a go at me

"Just so you know she is head over heels for you, think you're the only girl she's ever properly liked" Leah said

" When was the last time she slept with someone?" I asked cautiously

"The last time she slept with someone was before she joined Arsenal" Leah nodded her head

Has she not slept with anyone because of me? Is she capable of stopping sleeping with people for me?

"Ooh" I said

"Look all i'm saying is she's stopped a lot of things for you and she doesn't even know if you like her back" Leah said patting my shoulder before walking off

I sat with my thoughts, if I was going to let her in I wasn't going to let her in easily...


little teaser to something i might expand on!!

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