Dont need your help- Leah Williamson

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Hi I'm Carla Wood, I play for Man Utd
I'm blonde, blue eyes
Single 😉

"You ready" Katie Z said to me in the changing rooms of the emirates stadium
"Of course I am" I winked standing up and walking out of the room
I lined up and got ready to walk out

"Yes Millie!" I shouted, I received the ball on the inside foot and turned away from my player, I made lots of ground before placing a perfectly timed pass up to Alessia... who of course slotted it home.

Half-time 1-1

Arsenal managed to get one back near the end of the half

"Ay girls this is amazing! We are running rings around them on there own pitch, nothing more I could ask from yous" Katie said giving us a speech
We all clapped and cheered before making our way out for second half.

Ona hadn't had a very good game and as the game went on you could see she started to let her frustration get the better of her.

That's how I found myself breaking up and argument between Ona and Leah Williamson.

"Who put you in a mood?" Leah snorted as I walked over
"You and Your dumbass team" Ona said getting more frustrated by the second
"Oooo that's a shame isn't it" Leah laughed

I stepped in front of Leah and put my hands on her shoulders and slow back her away
"Look you can clearly see she's in a mood, stop teasing her" I said nicely
"Where's the fun in that" Leah laughed, I sighed and laughed agreeing with her it's fun to tease people who are already annoyed
"Just maybe don't react next time because she'll get a kick out of it" i said nodding running off to my position.

Leah had the ball and started to try make an attack against us... well that was until Ona came and snapped her legs.

The ref blew her whistle and called for a free kick
Meanwhile Ona and Leah were in a heated argument and looked like they were about to rip each others hair out...

I ran over and pushed Ona away "Ona what have I told you! Pack it in!" I told the Spanish girl off
I turned around and walked over to Leah
"I don't need your help" Leah scoffed
"Alright you be like that then" I shrugged going to stand in the wall.

Game finished 2-1 after Alessia managed to get a late goal.

"Let's celebrate!!" Katie called out
We stayed another night in London and went to one of the bars near the stadium.

What we didn't know was that arsenal squad were gonna be there

We were all nice to each putting the game behind us and just hanging out as friends.
Well at least everyone apart from Leah...

It had gotten further into the night and Leah still hadn't talked to any of us Man Utd players so I decided I would talk to her myself

"Hello grumpy" I said earning a death stare from Leah
"What do you want" Leah grumbled
"To talk to you" I smiled
"About?" She looked down at her drink
"Anything, get to know you?"
"My names Leah Williamson, I play for arsenal and England...there" she gave me a quick introduction
" Okay, I see... see you later" I said standing up from the seat and turning my back to her

"I'm sorry okay" Leah said just as I was about to leave
"For what?" I asked in confusion
"The why I spoke to you on the pitch today, I didn't mean to snap at you, I know you were trying to help" Leah explained
"It's alright" I shrugged
"It's not... here let me back it up to you"
"How so?" I questioned
"We go to my place and binge watch movies while ordering a take out" she smiled
"Hmm sounds like an alright deal" I smiled....


Sorry!! I know I've been so inactive lately, School and football have been a madness, from very important matches to having to start to get my head down at school I haven't had time to write anything!!

I'll try to start writing a lot more when I'm on break away from school!! 👍🏼

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