Water - Alessia Russo

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(Character from teenage love but a completely different storyline, just too lazy to make up a character 😅)

"Hmm" i grumbled as I turned onto my stomach and turned my face away from Alessia

"Alex" Alessia said softly, pressing a light kiss to my shoulder blade

"Noo" I shook my head

Alessia placed her self on top of me and rested her head on the back of my neck

"We have training al" Alessia said softly

"I know but we have time" I lied

"Do we now?" Alessia smirked

I nodded my head, breathing evening out

"Even though feeling you breathing is very cute we do need to get up" Alessia said

I groaned and lifted my head, eyes sprinting at the morning sun

Alessia rolled of me and smiled softly up to me

I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips before slowly getting up

"Happy?" I said raising one eyebrow at Alessia as she smirked

She nodded her head and got up, placing her hands on my shoulders making me shiver at her cold hands on my bare shoulders, only sleeping in shorts and a sports bra

"Drink this" Alessia said passing me a vitamin c drink

I shook my head as I ate my toast

"Come on Alex" Alessia sighed

I groaned and moved the glass closer to me, taking little sips until Alessia walked out of the room to get ready

Once she was out of the room I moved over to the sink and poured the drink down the sink, never liking the taste of the vitamin c drink...

"Did you finish your drink" Alessia asked as she walked back into the kitchen, pressing a kiss to my cheek as she pasted me

"Yes mum" I rolled my eyes as she tapped my head at the comment

I could already feel the headache coming along, something I'm quite use to but still the pain never gets any easier

I've had this problem with drinking fluids, ever since I could remember I've had a problem with it, when I was younger I didn't really see the needs to drink fluids so didn't really bother, then when I hit my teenage years I realised how important it was to drink water but still didn't because I found it hard keeping on top of it and also constantly forgetting, I started to get bad headaches but still couldn't break the habit of not drinking fluids

I felt lightheaded, probably the fact I was doing header practice as well on top of the fact I haven't had a drink all day

The usual stabbing pain on the sides of my head and the the front of my head were there but 10x worse then usual

Again I put that down to me constantly heading the ball...

I walked over with everyone to get a drink, or at least stand with the girls as they got a drink, I've never drank water or any fluids during training to avoid getting stitches, again a habit from when I was younger

I felt a someone wrap their arms around my waist, knowing it was Alessia as I could smell her perfume

I turned around and pulled her closer into me, her head resting on my chest as she took a drink out of her bottle

She lifted her bottle to my lips

"Drink alex" she demanded

"I'm okay less" I shook my head and smiled softly at her

"I've been watching you and you look sluggish, did you drink the whole vitamin c this morning?" Alessia asked

She knows about my problem with drinking and is constantly asking if I've had a drink or not

I sighed but took a drink out of her bottle, avoiding her question which normally gave her an answer anyways

She avoided telling me off about the vitamin c drink and carried on with training

"Fuck" I whispered as I pushed my head against the cushion at mine and Alessia's house

"Headache?" Alessia asked as she moved her hand to my hair, running her fingers through it

I nodded my head as I scrunched my face up

"You didn't drink a lot today" Alessia sighed

"I feel dizzy" I mumbled

With out another word Alessia moved us to our bedroom, closing all the curtains and moving us to the bed, she laid down while I laid on top of her

"Get some sleep Al" she said softly pressing a light kiss onto my forehead, I moved my head to her neck slowly falling asleep...


Anyone else got a problem with drinking water or is it just me? 🥲

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