Photoshoot- Leah Williamson

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Same character as last chapter....
Today we were doing our photoshoot for our New England kits. I got paired up with Tooney which wasn't to bad. Our schedule just matched with Leah's and Alessia's but ours finished just a bit earlier then theres. " Right I want you *pointing at me* to lifted up your top, from around your neck, just so it covers your mouth" the old man said to me and then moved to Tooney " and I want you to cover your eyes and then point down at the logo" he said then walked back to the camera, we did what he said and then took some more photos with the ball involved and also some other random poses before they told us that we had finished. Tooney and I walked over to Leah's and lessis photoshoot area " our camera man was giving us strange requests wasnt he" I said looking over at Tooney " yeah I thought that, I mean I dunno why he told you to cover your mouth with the top and for me to cover my eyes" Tooney said making us both laugh " what are you two giggling about" Leah said from near the camera as it wasn't her time in front of the camera " I'll tell you later" I said smiling at her.

"right Leah so for this one we need you to take off your top and then pose for the camera" the camera boy said, I was about to step in and say something but Alessia held my arm and told me to hold back, that was until I saw the camera man scan over Leah's body " absolutely not" I said walking in the way of the camera and blocking Leah "it's not your time to be on camera, please may you move" the man smiled at me " not until you take photos of her in the kit, after all that is what this photoshoot is about" I said giving him a stern look " we are getting photos of her shorts" the man said lying " so why does she need to take her top off and then get her to pose in a stupid way that clearly shows off her stomach" I said getting frustrated, by this time Leah had found her top and put it back on, Alessia and Ella were talking to staff to try and get this sorted out, sarina walked " right what's going on!" She shouted over all the noise " hey boss! This man tried to take photos of Leah with out the top of the kit on, even tho the point of this photoshoot is for the kit" I said giving the man a pointed look " I gave you a sheet of what you had to do, there isn't anything on there that says 'take a photo without the top' is there!" Sarina said to the boy, clearly very annoyed that her players had been requested to do this. " sorry I just thought it would look better than what you suggested after all I am the photographer here not you..." the boy smirked looking down at sarina, I stepped in the way " get out now" I said sternly, I was taller then the boy so he had to adjust his head to look up at me. A few of the staff got him and his gear out of the building and we got them to redo Leah's photos.

I sat by a table near by and watched to make sure nothing like that happened again. They had ended and Leah was just talking to a few of the staff before walking over to me, I was sat on my phone waiting for her to finish talking, I looked up " ready to go" I smiled at her " yeah" Leah said clearly tired " do you want my coat, you look cold" I asked her, Leah had only been provided with her kit and nothing else to keep her warm " please, they only gave me the new kit to wear and I didn't think it was right to wear the old coat" Leah said smiling at me as I wrapped my coat around her and pulled her close into my body as we made our way outside and up to the hotel....

Short one but I thought I would post this in honour of the new kits....👍🏼

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