Australia- Leah Williamson

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Same character as last chapter!


We walked out onto the pitch as the rain poured on top of us.

We were quick to start moving about to keep warm.

I think I slipped about 4 times in the warm ups, Georgia and Leah couldn't stop pissing themselves every time I did.

"It's not funny tho" I said pulling a sad face as I walked over to them. My kit drenched with grass marks on it.

" I'm sorry babe but it is" Leah smirked.

I walked away and carried on training.

Leah had her back to be and was talking to Georgia, I  walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and let my wet clothes get all over her clothes making her even more wet and cold.

"Ugh you bitch" Leah said pushing me off her.

" wow calm down Williamson" I said smiling as we all walked back in side.

After changing and sorting my hair out again, we made our way out onto the field.

We were slow to start off with, but me and the rest of the team thought we would grow into the game as time went on, or so we thought.

1-0 Sam Kerr, Australia.

I mistake from the whole defence, it started with Lucy not running back and Jess Carter no where to be seen and then Esme not dropping off as much and Leah heading the ball into Sam kerrs pathway.

I ran over to Leah, she was crouching down.

" hey come on, keep that head up high" I said to her.

Half time.

To say we got a shouting at halftime would be a understatement, sarina was fierce and so she should have been.

We ran out to the pitch to start the second half.

The Australians had got the time wasting on point.

Keira got taken down just outside of the box and the Australian player would hand the ball over to her, I ran up the her and grabbed her whole body from behind and chucked her to the side and grabbed the ball.

The ref blew her whistle and gave me a yellow card " okay" i shrugged and set up the free kick.

The game ended 2-0 to Australia after the worst performance that England have ever played before.

Sarina told us to thank the fans even after our shite performance so we did.

As I was signing a flag I heard some little girls talking, one of them said " Leah caused all this" she scoffed.  The other one agreed and then said " so overrated" she said rolling her eyes.

I talked to the girl with the flag before making my way over to the girls who said the things.

" hey girls, just want to say I heard what you said about Leah, I won't get down on your throats about it but remember peoples feelings and that we are humans after all and we can have bad games. I personally think Leah had a good game besides that goal." I said smiling waiting for a response

" yeah sorry your right" the girls said apologising, I smiled at them before walking off.


" are you checking twitter again?" I asked Leah as we sat on the bus.

She nodded, I took her phone if her and locked it then put it in my pocket.

"Don't listen to them" I said pulling her into my body and kissing her forehead.

" I'm gonna get so much hate from this game" leah said getting upset.

" remember Leah your human after all, they wouldn't say it to your face it's only because they are behind a screen. The only opinion you should worry about is the teams and they all said that it wasn't your fault for the goal. That hall should have been stopped long time before it got to you and we should have ran back to support you and Esme" I said rubbing her arm.

Playing at the same clubs as Leah meant I spent the most time with her.

It took her days to get past the hate and she constantly overthought everything.

Leah and I worked hard on making sure her confidence wasn't knocked by the hate.

Her and I were private people and kept our private life away from social media but this hate made Leah even more private about things, she stopped posting about anything that hadn't to do with football.

But that's what happens when you get abuse shouted at you because people except you to be your best every single game and every single minute of a match even though us players are humans after all.


If you've been someone who has shouted hate at Leah bc of last night match I hope you know what those players have feeling and are humans. You might think it's some silly word but if your the person receiving all this hate it will eventually knock your confidence no matter how strong your mental health might be.

Just think before you say, because these people are you idols and your hurting there mental health.

Eventually they will close of from us and woso football will just turn into the mens side of football. Where they don't tell you anything apart from the things to do with football. ❤️

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