Trust Issues II- AR

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"She's got a boyfriend?" I said shocked as I sat with Leah, who has just pulled up a photo of Alessia and her boyfriend

"Yeah why?" Leah asked confused

The real reason why I had reacted like this was because if I'm being truly honest I've started to catch feelings for Alessia, she's helped me a lot with the death of my uncle and just been there for me generally

I shrugged, my mood changing immediately, I saw Leah give me a weird glance before moving her eyes back to her phone and texting Lia

My walls were back up, immediately, and this time it didn't matter who it was, Lia, Leah or Alessia I wasn't having any of it

"You okay?" Alessia asked as she walked into the changing rooms with a soft smile

"Yep" I said carrying on looking through my bag

I saw her out of the corner of my eye give me a worried glance but clearly decided to leave it and go to her on cubby

I was pushing myself to the extreme, lifting amounts I didn't think I could, running longer on the treadmill then I would normally do

"Hey relax a little okay, I don't want you to get injured" Alessia said placing her hand on my shoulder as I stopped for a water break

I let my bottle drop out of my hands to the floor and then walked off, acting like she didn't exist

I placed my headphones back in and went over to the pull up bar

I knew Leah, Lia and Alessia were talking about me, trying to figure out what had put me in this mood but to be honest I couldn't have cared less

I was just about finished in the gym, walking over to my bottle and grabbing it before making my way to the door

I was stopped by Alessia again, she didn't say anything the time but wrapped her arms around my waist and placed her head on my chest

I nearly, and I mean nearly, crumbled...

Feeling myself against Evan was the most relaxing and comforting feeling ever

I don't know what has happened and why she is in this mood but I know not to try get her to speak or she will lose it completely

I can feel her relaxing slightly against me

"You okay?" She asked in a slightly soft tone

"I am now" I whispered against her chest as I snuggled my head further into her

"Alessia I need to go" Evan said after a while, i smiled slightly at the fact she didn't just brush me off and that she still cared somewhat

"Okay" I nodded my head against her chest and stepped back looking up into her eyes, that had soften hugely from earlier

Shes my weak spot, doesn't mean I don't still have most my walls up but she could easily knock all of them down

I sighed as I listened to Leah and Alessia talk about Alessia's boyfriend

She seemed to be in love and it hurt me, I wanted to be the one she was talking about to her friends

I mean it's stupid really, I need to find someone to distract me from her

"You seeing anyone Evan?" Leah asked

I shook my head as I kept my eyes on my phone

"Maybe we should set you up with someone" Leah suggested

Woso imagines Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon