Cover up II- AR

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(I know in the last chapter it was y/n but I've given them the name of Evan)

"I can't keep doing this less!"  Evan shouted as we argued in my kitchen

"It's not that easy Evan!" I shouted back

Evan and I had gotten into an argument over me still being with my boyfriend,  I'm still struggling to find the words to break up with him

"For fuck sake less! Do you want me or him?" Evan shouted

"You! of course I fucking want you Evan!" I said frustratedly

"Then why is he still with you, it been months Alessia" Evan said a lot more calmer

"Because it's not easy, I promise you I'll do it soon" I promised

"That's what you've been saying for months, I'm sorry Alessia but until you break up with him we can't be more then friends, I can't keep going on like this" Evan said before grabbing her coat and walking out of my house

I sighed as I sat down on the sofa, I know I need to break up with him but how do I even do it.

I've never been more thankful for Evan leaving as not even minutes later there was a knock on the door

I sighed and got up to open it, finding James, my boyfriend, stood at the door

"Hey" he said as he walked in

Not even a hug or a kiss on the cheek just walks straight past me.

"What's for dinner?" He asked as he sat down at my kitchen table

"Well since I didn't know you were coming over I've only cooked for one so I'll have to find something for you" I said as I stirred the pot of pasta

"Don't be silly less, you don't need anymore food, you need to lose some weight, I'll have your dinner" James said

I turned around and faced him, anger boiling over

"Your joking right" i seethed

He seemed to pick up on my change of emotions, happy to see he had railed me up

"No I'm not! Look at you!" He scoffed

"Get out!" I said sternly

"Or what" he pushed

"James." I said

"Or what! I'm telling the truth! It's embarrassing walking around with you, your a professional athlete and you look like that?" James scoffed

"If your embarrassed about me then fucking leave!" I shouted

James scoffed and stood up

"Just trying to give you some advice Alessia" he said making his way to my front door

"We are over James, don't contact me again" I said as I opened the front door for him

"What?" He said shocked

"I embarrass you no? Might as well break up then" I said as he looked at me shocked

"Whatever, I deserve better anyways" James scoffed walking out of the door

I sighed and slide down the door, resting my head against it as my emotions took over

I felt horrid in my body, disgusted, embarrassed.

I'm tired of eating something and then feeling sick and angry with myself after eating, as if I'm punishing myself for eating.

I watched as Alessia walked into the changing rooms, in baggy clothes, head down with her AirPods in

She placed her bag in her cubby before making her way to the canteen, not saying a single word to anyone

I sighed and followed her to the canteen, was I to harsh on her last night?

I sat with Leah and Lia as I kept a close eye on Alessia, waiting for her to eat something

I knew she hadn't had anything yet this morning, she doesn't eat breakfast until she gets to training because she can't stomach anything until an hour after she's woken up

After a while and seeing Alessia still not eat anything I went up to the chefs and got Alessia a banana and a granola pot.

I made my way over to her desk, she was sat facing away from me

I leaned over her and placed the food in front of her before placing my hands on her shoulders and leaning down

"You haven't had anything, you can't train on a empty stomach" i whispered as she turned her head to face me

"I'm not hungry Evan" she shook her head, right as her tummy grumbled

"What about this, i sit with you guys while you eat it?" I suggested trying to get her to eat the food

I think the idea of me being by her side made her feel slightly more comfortable eating the food

I sat down next to her and pulled out my phone while she ate her food.

I placed my hand on her thigh to remind her that I was there while she ate

"Done" she said after a while

I looked at her and smiled, placing a quick kiss on her cheek before standing up

I know I said that we needed to remain as friends until her and her boyfriend broke up but this was the only way she was going to eat any food.

I was training with Leah and Lia, listening to them chat while we passed the ball between the three of us

"You know Alessia and her boyfriend broke up" Leah said making my head snap up, causing Leah to smirk

"Now is your chance Evan" Leah teased, I rolled my eyes with a slight smile, not being able to hide my emotions

"You two would be a cute couple you know" Lia butted in, I smiled softly at her before we all got shouted in by Jonas.

"You broke up with him?" I asked Alessia as we stood in the changing rooms alone

Alessia nodded her head at me, I could see she was getting slightly upset

I brought her into me, she wrapped her arms tightly around me as she let her emotions out

"It's going to be okay" I whispered over and over again

"I'm crying because I'm happy I'm away from that man" Alessia said

"Why what did he do?" I asked confused

"I'm not ready to say Evan, I will tell you but can you give me time?" Alessia asked

"I can give you as much time as you need Alessia" I reassured her softly


Part 3?

Woso imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora