Whole new chapter.

Start from the beginning

The news of Ale signing her contract hadn't been announced yet, it was only completed a few days ago and with the champions league final just around the corner the club didn't want to take any of the focus away from such a big game so it was decided that the news would be broken at the start of the summer break. The speculation had been growing over the last week not only with the fans and media, but with our team mates too. Questions being whispered around the training ground and in the locker room for days. What this going to be her last game? Where was she going to go? Why did she want to leave?

"You're not!!??" She shouted back, her face a mixture of both shock and happiness as she looked between us both.

"No, we're not. How could we leave all of this behind" I gestured around the room at our friends and teammates.

"Thank god!!" Mapi cheered loudly, wrapping her arms around both Ale and I and jumping up and down on the spot before eventually convincing us to join her on the dance floor.

"If you decided to leave I was going to have to come with you, because there was absolutely no way that I was going to be living in the other side of the world from my godson"

Jordi was spending the night with Eli in her hotel room down the hall from ours, they had travelled to the final with the team, attended the game in the stands and spent the early evening celebrating with us at the hotel before Eli took him up to bed and let us continue our celebrations.

We made our way up to the hotel room at about 11pm, neither of us big partiers anymore since we had Jordi. What used to be staggering back home at 3am had now turned into getting into bed at a reasonable time so that we weren't exhausted when Jordi woke us up at the crack of dawn.

"Do you think your mum is still awake?" I asked Ale, pausing outside of my mother-in-law's hotel room as we made our way back towards our room.

"I don't know" she answered absentmindedly, continuing down the hall towards our room until she realised that I had stopped.

"I was just going to thank her for taking Jordi"

"No you weren't" She smirked, turning back towards me.
"You want to go and give Jordi a kiss goodnight, and knowing you, probably bring him back to our room and have him in bed with us"

"It just feels weird knowing that he's in there without us"

"I know, but I don't really want him in our room tonight..."

"And why is that?" I raised an eyebrow in her direction, her hazel eyes glistening as she looked into mine.

"I had more intimate plans than having a wriggling 1 year old lying between us. Plans that involve you on your back with your legs-"

"Shhh" I quickly interrupted her, a cheeky grin spread across my wife's face as she looked at me.

"Why? Everyone is still downstairs, there is nobody up here to hear me"

"Your mother is in there" I whispered, gesturing towards Eli's door before making my way towards Ale.

"Believe me cariño, she knows that we have sex. We're married, we have a baby together. Plus, have you forgotten the time she walked in on us in Ibiza? When I had my fingers deep inside you and your-"

"We agreed that we would never talk about that again. I had nightmares for a month straight"

"Ok, I'm sorry. I just want to spend the night alone with my wife. We've just played our last game together, we're about to embark on a whole new chapter in our lives and I want to spend some time together, just us"

"I just don't know if I'm in that kind of mood tonight" I said honestly, the emotions of the day had completely wiped me out.

"That's ok, we'll just snuggle up in bed then, maybe order room service burgers and eat them in bed like we used to?"

"I love you more and more every day Alexia Putellas"

"Because I said that we could eat burgers in bed?" She asked with a laugh.

"Yes, why else?"

A/N: Just a short littler chapter to fill the gap. I've got a lot planned for the next few instalments (both good and bad) so keep your eyes peeled 👀

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