Death at the door

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You had been at home for about 2 hours, you was so tired yet you couldn't sleep a wink because of all the worry in you just kept rising the more 'what if's' you thought. Toji did tell you not to worry about nothing because he was all sorted, but telling you not to worry only made stuff worse for you.

You had work tomorrow so you had to be in your best state. Imagine it had only been two hours and it felt like hell. Sighing for the tenth time in a minute overthinking everything. The day had only started but it felt like the past 4 hours were 24, the only way that the day could go any faster was through sleep, but according to your brain you wasn't allowed to.

Opening your phone you opened instagram going through peoples stories when you came across Getou's. There was a picture of you posing looking all cute with the big bouquet of roses in your arms. You smiled at the caption, 'Our beautiful Y/n is going out for a date just look at how gorgeous she is.' You replied to it saying, 'Thank you Getou, you know I love you so much💕'

Then next was Satoru's story and you was also on his but it was a video of you running down the stairs and out the door when you left. The caption, 'Let's hope her man stands her up.' Chuckling a little bit you replied with, 'Nah but he made me his gf soooo.'

Yawning extra hard you thought your jaw was gonna pop right off your face, you put your phone down using this opportunity of your eyes drooping to see if you was gonna fall asleep.

1 minute...

2 minutes...

3 minutes...

4 minutes...

5 minutes...

6 minutes.

The silence was so loud it started to become irritating, you just kept thinking 'what if's' because it got too silent. You groaned as loud as possible tossing around in your bed over to the side where you had a bedside table. Opening the drawer you saw the sleeping pills and immediately grabbed the desperately popping the pills out of its little thing and throwing two of them in your mouth dry.

It wasn't even 2 minutes later your ass was finally knocked out.



A faint repetitive sound muffled under your pillow as you woke up from your long sleep, confused on why it was so dark outside and what that annoying sound was. But you realised it was your phone trapped under your pillow.

You grabbed it and the caller ID read 'Toji'

Instantly picking it up not even thinking twice.

On the other side of the phone was heavy breathing and a kid crying in the background.

You shot up and your heart dropped thinking the worst.

"Toji! Say something, is this even you? Please say something, is everything okay?"

The crying got worse and louder, whoever was over the phone hadn't answered yet.

You finally yelled.

"Fucking say something already!"

"This is Malcom, I am Mr. Fushiguro's security guard. We are in the ER...I'm afraid Mr. Fushiguro has been fatally shot and the bullets has punctured his lungs and we don't think he would make it through the night."

Your hand flew to your mouth as you gasped, tears beginning to well up in your eyes.

"I decided to call you because he kept saying your na-"

𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐲 (𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐅. 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now