S*xual aquaintances?

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Your alarm just went off blaring in your ear and you opened your eyes instantly looking around the room confused on where you was. "Oh yeah." You mumbled remembering that you was at Toji's. You grabbed your phone and turned the alarm off.

Getou and Satoru sent photos of what they was doing to the group chat and it looked like they was having fun. It was only sent an hour ago and the time difference was quite lengthy. You sent a selfie of yourself with a tired smile to them. Which they immediately replied to.


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That's not ur bed.
You sleeping with someone?

Is it that sugar daddy ur with?
Don't even lie we can see ur

No I don't even have one
What r u guys on about?
I'm at my coworkers, I had too much
to drink so she let me stay the night.

Don't lie

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Ur coworker must be very rich.

Why you sending a zoomed
in pic of where I am?
I'm going now bye

You turned off your phone totally ignoring the spam going on and went to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and washed your face then walked back out feeling a little less tired. You dug into your bag and took out a new pair of panties confused on why you couldn't find the ones from last night. Oh yeah last night.

The smell in the air had changed into something nice, clearly someone was making breakfast. You put joggers and wore the same shirt you slept in, then opened the door making your way downstairs. You walked into the kitchen and saw Toji with his back faced to you flipping pancakes. He noticed someone's presence and turned around seeing you and smiled.

"Morning, how was your sleep?"

"It was good what about you?"

"I didn't get much sleep, so not that great."

"Oh how comes?" You sat on the stool and leaned on the island frowning.

"I drank too much coffee last night." That was a lie. When he put you to sleep last night he helped himself to your panties and masturbated to them, even after he came he was still hard.

"Of course you couldn't sleep, you like 5 teaspoons of coffee pure, bitter and black."

He chuckled and used the spatula to get the pancake off the pan, he made about 20 perfect pancakes all stacked up for the kids. "Do you also want pancakes?" He asked you whilst washing his hands.

"I'm alright thanks. I'll just make some toast and tea."

He put the napkin on his shoulder after drying his hands and leaned on t he kitchen counter facing you. "Should I wake up the kids or let them wake up when they wanna?" Toji asked wanting a little more time with you before the rascals woke up, but he wanted you opinion.

𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐲 (𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐅. 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now