Meeting Megumi

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It was Sunday and you was just on your way back home from visiting Shoko, she was sick and called you to get medicine for her. She lived alone and could barely even get out of bed, so you went to help her out a bit making her lunch and dinner that she could eat when it got to the right time.

You pulled up at the traffic light and your phone rang connected to the car. Toji was calling you, he called you three times today and you ignored because you was too busy with poor Shoko. "Hello?"

"Oh so now you're answering?"

"I was busy sorry, anyways what do you want?"

"Can you go to my office and grab a folder from my desk? I need it for something."

You furrowed your eyebrows confused on why he was calling you of all people. The light turned green and you drove.

"Why you asking me to get it? Don't you have people to do that stuff for you?"

"She's on vacation right now, and I can't leave Megumi home alone."

"Bring him to work with you then."

"Please? I'll send you twice what I did last time."

You sighed giving in to his deal.

"Okay whatever, send me your address and I'll be there soon." You cut the call off and moved the car to another lane heading for work.

Today was your last day off and you spent it running errands, but it was a way to keep you occupied so you kinda didn't mind.


You rang the doorbell of the estate trying not to be mesmerised by the design. The door opened and you expected Toji but in return you saw a copy and paste little Toji minus the scar. He saw a folder in your hand and sighed. "Are you a Jehovah's witness?" Before you could even speak the child was dragged back with his shirt and replaced with Toji. "Megumi I told you not to answer the door no matter who it is, go finish your homework."

He turned back and realised it was you and smiled a little. "Sorry about that, do you wanna come in?" You contemplated but eventually agreed. "There was two folders so I took both." "Oh that's okay, thank you." He opened a door that was slightly different to the others and went in leaving the door open for you to come in. You took your shoes off and followed him.

Everywhere in his office was either black or grey and you was here for it. "Wanna talk about what you sent me?" He sat in his chair opposite you with a smirk watching your face go from calm to embarrassed, you completely forgot about that. "You already know that it wasn't meant to go to you, there's nothing to talk about." "You sent an explicit photo to your boss and you're saying there's nothing to talk about?"

"Yes boss." You leaned back and crossed your arms and he just chuckled. The office door creeped open showing Megumi with a pen and paper in his hand, he came up to you and handed them to you. "Can you help me with my math homework?" You smiled and put the paper on the desk so it could be flat. "Yes of course."

"Why didn't you ask me Megumi?" Toji asked feeling slightly offended. "Because you're bad at maths, last time you helped me I got everything wrong." You snickered earning a glare from Toji. You began to explain the math to him and he was able to do all the questions easily. "You're better at explaining than my teacher thanks." "It's all good, just make sure to never ask your dad."

"Yeah I won't even think about it." Megumi exited the office and Toji clicked his tongue. "That child can be so mean sometimes." "I wonder who he gets it from." You looked Toji dead in the eyes. "I'm not even that mean, what are you on?" "When we was at that bar you barely even spoke to the bartender and he was shaking in his boots."

𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐲 (𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐅. 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now