Sexy Bday Gift

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It was new years eve a few days after christmas and there as wasn't anythinig special that happened other than going to see your grandma and some extended family.

You stood outside the door of the restaurant Toji asked you to meet at this place for a little birthday date. His driver picked you up and now you're just looking in the little mirror checking if you looked good. Satisfied with yourself you put it back in your purse and opened the door instantly getting hit by the warm air and the aroma of the food.

The lights were dim and walls painted with blood, the tables were perfectly round draped with white table cloth with cutlery you've never seen in your life.

There was barely people and that was because it only served five groups an hour. And reservations were extremely hard to make, but since Toji was so known shit like that was easy for him. You spotted Toji in the corner and he was on the phone obviously a work call because he never calls anyone. He noticed you and immediately cut the call and placed his phone in his inner pocket.

He arose and you was able to see his full attire, he was wearing a white silk button up leaving the first three buttons undone matched along with black slacks and black derby shoes. But damn. He looked good, and he looked good for you.

Your smile beamed when you realised you was matching outfits, this was totally unintentional. You was wearing a white silk dress that reached just below mid-thigh paired with black stillettos and a small birkin you got from using Toji's card. But under this dress was the most scandalous thing you have ever worn.

His eyes crawled slowly down your body taking in every single inch, centimetre and millimetre of you. He licked his lips and finally drew his attention away making eye contact, his sneer was all over his face. He came closer to you and slid his hands around your waist and leaned in to plant a kiss on your cheek.

"Hey darling, you look so fucking beautiful right now."

You tried not to smile too hard but it won over you and you replied. "And you look as handsome and always Toji. Happy Birthday."

"Thank you sweetheart." You could not get enough of these names he called you.

The male waiter was already waiting by the table with a towel on his forearm he held at an angle. Toji was about to go behind you to pull your seat out but the waiter beat him to it and you thanked him giving him a warm smile and he winked back at you.

Toji definitely did not like what he was seeing as he sat himself down.

He planned a date all for a low waiter to take his place and flirt with you as if you was the one he was taking out.

He glared at the man and turned back to you gazing at your beautiful face instead of looking at the menu for what he wanted to eat.

Minutes passed and he was still staring at you, you knew he was but you decided to play along with it. "Good evening! Are you ready to order? What would you both like to start with?"

"Her." Both you and the waiter furrowed your eyebrows looking at Toji and he looked back at you just as confused why he was recieving weird looks. Then he clocked he was thinking out loud and swore under his breath.

"Uhm yeah I'll take the wagyu beef steak meal." You spoke cutting the awkward silence and the waiter wrote down the request. "Okay beautiful, and what would you like sir?"

"I'll have the same as her." He ordered the same because he didn't even bother taking a glance at the menu since he was so distracted.

The waiter took your orders down and now it was just you and Toji. "I'm really gonna hurt that son of a bitch if he keeps flirting with you."

𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐲 (𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐅. 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now